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<br />designation, nor ,any' reliable, estimate of how' many more units \\-'ould actually be <br />built under a MDR ,designation; and thus there is simply no credible basis for an <br />estimate of any net difference. <br /> <br />The best basis ,for any estimate remains the "Chambers Revisite:d" analysis, ,,,hic.h <br />suggests any net difference over the next eighteen months \vould be insignificant <br />in relation to Eugene's housing supply and needs, and should not be a factor in this <br />decision~ <br /> <br />Measure 37 and amendment and the sunset date <br /> <br />Davidc subnlitted t~stimony claiming that, due to the sunset clause, "these changes <br />vvi II.expire. before ,they actually apply to existing property o",'oers." <br /> <br />This is \Vfong. The ne\vpoHcies and code will apply to aU properties, as of their <br />effective date.3 <br /> <br />Of course, Measure 37 looms over every new land use regulation, and the City cannot <br />simply stop taking any action for fear there may bt1 an Measure 37 claim. Planning <br />staff and the City attorne:y, as \yell as City Council, "vere aU wen aware of Measure 3 7 <br />when staff recornmended~hese amendments asthe most effective approach, and <br />Council initiated the ame,ndments. Measure 37 is thus no reason for the Planning <br />Commission to recolnmend Council not adopt the proposed aniendments. <br /> <br />We would also note that in this particular situation, there, are favorable conditions with <br />respect to any potential Measure 37 claim: <br /> <br />o Property OViners are currentl)l limited to development allowed by the existing <br />zoning the Metro and J/F\\! RP designations will not <br />change any zoning. Thus, there is a colorable legal argument that the aUo'\vable <br />developlllcntafter the redesignation . is the same before and after the action, vvhich <br />would preclude a approval ofaf\1easure 37 claim. <br /> <br />o Also not that anyo\vner \vhoa.pplies for a zone change before the effective date of <br />these amendments vvould have, their a.pplication processed by the current <br />regulations. Thus, they \'\lould have no need for, nor any c.ausefor} a 1\1easure 37 <br />claim. <br /> <br />o FinaHy,Eugene Ordinance 20331, \vhic.h sets forth theproc.ess for ha,ndHng <br />Measure 37 clairns allo\vs the City to inlpose the sanie regulations in effect lt1nen <br />an Ol11ner bought the property: <br /> <br />2.090 (4). If the Cit)l council rernoves or nlodifies the c.}lal1enged land use <br />regula.tion, thec,ouncil may as part of the decision re-ltllpose vtith respect to the <br />subject property,.all of the land use regulati.ons in effect at the tinle the claimant <br />acquired the property <br /> <br />3 Mr. HinkJey testified at the hearingregard~ng a iv1.easure.37 "{\,vo year vvindo\v."The.rvfeasure 37 rules to <br />Vdlicl1 the Hwindo\vH refers do. not limit. Tvleasure 37 claims on ne,,,, ordinances; the rules Inerely require the <br />claimant be de,n ied approval for a land use acti on before fiJinga iv137 claitll, Thus, there is no basis for the <br />clairn that this '\vindov{" makes the proposed Eunendnlents ineffective just because the arnendrrlents sunset <br />in eighteenlTIonths. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />111-25 <br />