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Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 02/26/07 Meeting
Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
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6/9/2010 12:25:42 PM
Creation date
2/22/2007 10:41:49 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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at current process sessions. She underscored that over the years the focus of the agreements had not <br />changed very much. <br /> <br />Ms. Walston related that the public hearing process had evolved over the years to include time limits. She <br />noted that the Public Forum was created in 1997. <br /> <br />Ms. Walston stated that she had an archive of old council process agendas that were available for council <br />review. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor asked why the three-minute time limit had been imposed. Ms. Walston replied that the <br />Wednesday sessions used to have a two-hour limit and the very first item had been the Items from the Mayor <br />and Council. She said this item would sometimes take as long as 45 minutes; so, in order to control that <br />portion of the meeting, the council voted in a time limit. <br /> <br /> <br />2. Future Council Meeting Schedules: Work Sessions, Council Meetings, Workshops, Etc. <br /> <br />Ms. Shepard said the first issue had to do with timing and any issues councilors wished to bring up related <br />to timing and schedule. <br /> <br />Ms. Ortiz had an item that did not relate to schedules. She recalled the discussion the council had regarding <br />the councilor notification of issues. She wanted to be told in advance of press reports on large issues in the <br />community. She said it was hard to advocate for the City and to assure citizens that staff members were <br />doing their jobs when one did not know what was going on. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor said any time there was contact between staff and the media, staff tried to provide the <br />information through the council newsletter and regular memoranda. He asked what sorts of events she <br />wished further notification for. Ms. Ortiz replied that she would want advanced notification when staff <br />members were arrested, when someone was shot by the police, or when high ranking personnel were fired for <br />reasons the press considered newsworthy. <br /> <br />In response to a question from City Manager Taylor, Ms. Ortiz clarified that she was referring specifically <br />to fire personnel who were fired. She wanted to be able to say to people that the City did not certain types <br />of behavior. She felt the councilors should know the behaviors for which personnel were being fired. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor stressed that this was a delicate issue because many of the things that would be part of <br />a disciplinary action were part of a personnel record that was between the individual and his or her <br />supervisor, and was therefore not releasable. He stated that it would take a determination by the District <br />Attorney or an Oregon Court of Law to make the records available. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor agreed that councilors should be apprized of anything that would hit the newspapers. She <br />thought that not only should the councilors receive a message, but there should be staff follow-up to ensure <br />they received the message. She related that she had first heard about a large real estate deal in the <br />downtown area by reading the paper. She believed if something was going to attract interest, all nine elected <br />officials should know about it. City Manager Taylor responded that in the example she cited he had sent all <br />councilors and the Mayor a memorandum either by fax or by courier before there was a press contact and <br />then staff had also sent a memorandum to the council and Mayor that there had been a press contact. Ms. <br />Taylor said she wanted a follow-up phone call to ensure that she had received the memoranda. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—City Council January 10, 2007 Page 2 <br /> Process Session <br /> <br />
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