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CC Minutes - 02/26/01 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/26/01 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Ampitheater, as it would make the facility less affordable. Mr. Scheeland clarified that the center <br />rented the facility to private presenters. Private presenters expect to make money from ticket <br />sales and expect facilities to make money from ancillary revenue sources, such as parking. He <br />said that the City had to work to attract presenters to the facility, and could only cover its costs <br />with parking revenues. Such fees were customary in the industry. He confirmed the parking fee, <br />if instituted, would be assessed during the one concert held at the Cuthbert by the Oregon <br />Festival of American Music. He noted that Library, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department <br />Director Angel Jones would make the final decision about whether she accepted all or some of the <br />DAC recommendations. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey asked how the center responded to requests to hold funerals in the center for <br />significant community members, and if there were special rates for such a use. Mr. Scheeland <br />said that in some cases the City had donated the use of the facility; that occurred most recently <br />with former Mayor Les Anderson's memorial service. The City also attempted to provide the <br />Soreng Theater to nonprofit groups rent-free six times annually for uses such as the Ask So <br />performance. However, users were expected to cover all the center's direct costs. Mayor Torrey <br />said it would be helpful if the center had an unpublished rate for those uses that it could share <br />with the council. <br /> <br />By way of historic context, Ms. Nathanson noted that the council had considered closing the <br />center after the passage of Ballot Measure 47/50 and it was significant to her for the council to be <br />discussing fine tuning of the center's operations. Similarly, she noted, budget reductions had <br />necessitated the reductions in the City's advisory committee structure. She thought the council <br />would have to consider the financial ramifications of the formation of a new committee. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson noted that the only general fund money spent on the Hult Center was on protection of <br />the asset; there were no general fund dollars in the operating budget. <br /> <br />The council thanked the DAC members for their work. <br /> <br />C. Work Session: West Eugene Parkway <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey noted that the purpose of the work session was to follow up on the council's joint <br />session with the Board of County Commissioners and the Lane Transit District Board and to <br />accommodate motions that two councilors wished to offer. <br /> <br />Mr. Rayor expressed disappointment about the council's actions on the parkway to this point, <br />saying he did not think it was viable to talk about other options for the funding currently allocated <br />to the parkway at this point. The council had as much information about the project as it would <br />ever have. He said that the entire project had environmental problems and he felt the council did <br />the right thing by refusing to initiate the amendment to the West Eugene Wetlands Plan that would <br />facilitate the parkway. However, he did not think the east phase of the parkway was as affected by <br />wetlands, and it had merit. <br /> <br />Mr. Rayor indicated he had prepared four motions that covered the range of options to give the <br />councilors a chance to promote their positions. <br /> <br /> MINUTE--Eugene City Council February 26, 2001 Page 4 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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