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<br />The .Portland Developll1eIlt (~OlUll1issiol1 attempted to use t\\10 developluent teams on the Bridgehead <br />project. Based on previo'us experiel1ce, both K\VG and Beanl had reservations about tIle effectiveness <br />of InuJtiple developers in a single area. . City of Eugene staff also 1naintains that the coordination of <br />two developIl1errt teanls, especially related to the legal agreements, vvould affect tinleliness and <br />increase COll1plexity. <br /> <br />4. .Response.!f'C'founcil clecicles to (leltl another steJ) (clue lliligence or .R.FP) <br />Neither development teanl is interested in prolonging tIle C.ol11petitiveprocess;both see an 1Jl1tllediate <br />decision as a clean/clear outcol1le. The feedback il1dicates that a second phase of the selection <br />process would not yield a higher quality of detail because the parties are 110t likely to spend additional <br />resources on an ltnkno\Vl1 outcome that is outside of their control. <br /> <br />Beam Specific ItenlS <br />5. Level qfinterest fl-'Centre Court / yJlashburne butltling cannot be salvagetl <br />Beanl expressed confidence that the builditlgs could be renovated. 'Based on BeaIn's previous project <br />fOClIS, staff anticipates that Beam's interest \voltld \vane if the buildings could. not be reused. <br /> <br />6. .Potential.for non-o.Dlce us(es <br />Beam indicated a \viUingness to consider the addition of residential and/or live-work uses to the <br />co'ncept included in their RFQ respOl1se. <br /> <br />7. Project vvithout the.fee-tleveloper scenario <br />BeaIn confirmed that it is their preferred approacll to be a fee-developer but that~ overall, they "vant a <br />mutually' beneficial approach (for BeaIn alld the City). <br /> <br />8. O1vnership~fthe buildings upon cornpletion <br />Typically, Beam reta.ins ownership of their developments especially in instances where historic <br />renovation is involved. Beam has retained all of its six historic rehabilita.t.iol1 properties in Portland. <br /> <br />9. Increased clensity.f'or the hole next to the (:entre Court Building (concept included a one story <br />structure 1vitl1 7tlOO square.feet of'retail andsut:faceparking in back.) <br />Beam Inay consider increasillg thedellsity in accordance with l11arket demand. and with the ain1 of <br />engaging the street appropriately. The new buil.ding wotdd remaitl as a potentiallocatioI1 for all <br />art/cultural connnul1ity ven'ue" <br /> <br />KWG Specific Items <br />10, Reuse o.j"the yJlashburne Building <br />KWG expressed a flexible approach to their submitted concept including a \villin.gness to preserve the <br />Washburne Building, in accordance\vitll commul1ity interest and structural feasibility. <br /> <br />11. Re(.levelopment concept lvith a sll"zaller ",'cope -.,for example, a concept that inclu(les all (?f the <br />proJ}erties in KrVG's response but that e~xcludes the fVashburne ,Buildingt Centre Court .Building, anti <br />the e,x:isting hole <br />K\\lG is interested in contributing to the redevelopment of West Broadway. They noted several <br />drawbacks to limiting the l(WG footprint. A reduced area \\/ould diminish the econonlies of scale <br />that allow for the lllagnitude and diversity of the l11i.X of uses detailed in the KWG response. The <br />construction cost per square foot would increase, \vhich could, for example, increase the COlldo prices, <br />decrease the nu.mber or percelltage of affordable u.nits, or decrease the total amount of housing. <br />KWG also described litllitations froIn having multiple developers (see answer 3 above). <br /> <br />12. Market .potential.fbr a hotel, cinelna, anti grocer)' store <br />KW(] reported that the lack of quality hotel options in downtown Eugene and tIle strong interest they <br />have received from se-veral hoteliers, lead thelll to believe that the hotel concept is Olle of the <br />strongest cOl1lponents.oftheirclevelopment concept. Gray and Associates has strong working <br />relationsllips vlith cinema companies and would like to pursue an art cinema (independent fihn) or a <br />'dinner and a .movie' te'nan.t. These Citlenla concepts would not compete directly with the stadiunl <br />