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<br />ATTACHl\1ENT C <br /> <br />West Broadway Redelleloplnent Area <br />DRAFT Request for Qualifications Criteria <br />November 27, 2006 <br /> <br />OVERVIEW <br /> <br />The Urba.n 'Renevval of the C,ity of Eugel1e seeks sta.tell1€.nts of qualifications <br />fronl developers for the redevelopme'nt of anlulti-parcel downtov\ln area alon.g\'Vest <br />Broad\-\ray, betvveen \Villamette anti (J1arnelton Streets (the IJRedeveloplne.nt ,Area"). <br />~rhrough the Requ.est for QU.alificatiofls (RFQ), the Urban. Re:ne'vval Agency seeks to <br />select a qualified.llevelo'per(s) vvitIl a viable redevelo'pn1ent co:ncept an<.t the capacity to <br />inl.plemellt a well designed., u.rban nlixed use develop'u1e.nt <br /> <br />Altllough the focus of the soHcitatio11 is on. tIle quali.fications of 'prospective developll1ent <br />teall1s1 the U'rban Renewal Agency also re<.luests lieveloper's vision-Jin.clutlulg a <br />d.escription of the proposed ,nlix of uses and the general config'uratio.n an.d scale of the <br />concept. Responses to the RFQshould. 1.n.clud.e a developnlent tealn with the experien.ce, <br />ex'pertise, visio:n,r talent, and fulancial caF)ability to successfully co.mljlete a mixed-use <br />redevelopn1ent project, 'based. O.n.: <br /> <br />. Experience vvith successful developnlents in urban areas; <br />. Track recorli of s'u.perior architeculral illl(l urban design; <br />. -l.t\ccess to financial resources consistent \vit:h ~project requiren1ents.; and <br />. 'Experience vvith publ1c/:private developlnent. <br /> <br />The Ur'ban Renewal agency expects that the redevelopnlent concept will enhance and <br />rein.force tile City of Eugene's vision for tiowntown a'nd "vill: <br /> <br />Incorporate h.igh-qttalityurban design al1(1 architecture; <br />In.elude tle.ns.ity o.f develo'pmeIlt\vith active groU11d-floor uses; <br />COll1ple.n1ent the existing a:nd."plan.ned.11ublic and private lnVestl11ents in the <br />area; <br />Serve as a catalyst in revitalizing the dovvntovvn area including job creation; a.nd <br />. Contribute to the activity and vitality along BroadwaYI 011e of (lownto\tvn <br />'s Great Streets. <br /> <br />The total Redevelopment Area foo,tt1rint is approxinlately 168,575 sq'uare feet and <br /> three fu.llbl.oc:k faces along Broad.vvay. Respo'nses to the RFQ that ad,dress a <br />nlajority or aU of t11epropert.ies a.repreferred. HoV\'everj responses that inclulie <br />developnlent concepts fo.rportio'ns of the Redevel.op,mentArea, or -respo'nses that <br />in.volvTe apartne.rship approach wit:hm'ultipl.e lievelopers for djfferen,t portio.ns of the <br />.Red.evelopment Area are also encouraged. <br />