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<br />3. Sustainable Developnlent <br />Eugene seeks to Ineet its present environ.m.erltal, econol111c, anti social needs \tVithout <br />con111ron1isu1g the alJilit)r of future generations to H1eet their ovv.n .neecls. <br />Incol'l')oration of sustainable tlevelopll1ent conlponents S.hOl.lldbe cOJlsiderect <br />including: <br />a.Nlttlti--story, efficient use of tIle developnlent areal green .features <br />such as LeaclerslTip in Energy anciEnviron.nlental Design (L,EED) stan.dards; <br />b. If housing is prollosed, inclusion of In.ixeti inconlcu.nits; anti <br />c. If job creation is a likelyoutcolne, availability of jobs to 10\<\7 inCOH1€ <br />individuals. <br /> <br />c. Timeliness and Market Feasibility. TlleUrball Rene\val Agency is seeking a <br />feasible red.evelopment con.cept. Preferretl co.ncepts will inclulie: <br />1. Projectio.n of a reasonable tin.1€ lUlefor lieveloptuent; anti <br />2. Understanding of fllarket potential for the proposed cOl1.cept. <br /> <br />D. Financial Capal1ility. TIle Urban will consider tIle financial <br />capability of the developnlent tealTl(s) as it relates to project feasibility. 'Preferreti <br />respondents to theRFQ will denlonstrate: <br />1. Capacity to 'prepare a d.etailed analysis and cost estinlate for project <br />tievelopm.e.-nt an.d operation; <br />2. Evi.dence of financial capacity to ill1pletl1ent the:proposed concept; and <br />3. Track .record of co'nlpletion of similar projects within bud.get (or with nlotiifie(l <br />budgets or financing). <br /> <br />E. Public Bellefit The Ur'ban Renevval Agellcy,,\rill COllsider the overallllublic berlefit <br />provided 'by the rede,\re'lopment concept, including the financial impact that the project <br />will have in the Downtown 'Urban Re.n.e'wal District. 'Preferred concepts 'will in.clud.e: <br /> <br />1. Cohesive, comprehensive concept witll multiple .properties, high density and <br />cOffi111ete block faces; <br />2. Ef.fici.ent use of pu'blic resources an.d assistallce; <br />3. New tax mcrenlent revenue resltlting from tIle redeveloptnent,; <br />4~ If housing is proposedl inclusion of mixed inconle units; and <br />5. Job creatiO'fl \v.ithin the Redevelopnlent Area. <br />