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<br />EV l\LUA TIONOF RESPONSES TO THE RFQ <br /> <br />The Urban Renewal Agency V\rill e\raluate the to the RFQbased 011 five <br />criteria: <br /> <br />.A. llualificatio.ns <br />.B.Red.e'velo:pnle-nt (o.ncept <br />C. 1'imeliness atltl nlarket feasibility <br />D. Finan.ciaJ capability <br />E.Public Be.nefit <br /> <br />The evaluation criteria are tiescribed belo.w. <br /> <br />A. Team Qtlalifications. The Urban Renevval Agency seeks responses fr0111 <br />develop11tent teams viho are ca.pable of cOf)1.pletin.g a liynalnic .project within t11e <br />Redevelopll1ent Area. Relevant tean1 q.ualificatio.ns include eXl?erience vvith sin1ilar <br />dOv\Tntovvn redevelopnlent projects an.d the capacity to initiate and conlplete a via.ble <br />concept for the Reclevelopment l\rea. ~t\p.plicallts den:10J1strate the abilities anti <br />q.ualifications listed belo.vv. <br /> <br />1. Experience with successful developm.ents inurba-n areas; and <br />2. Track record of s.u.perior architectural antI urban design. <br /> <br />B.Redellelopment Concept. The f{edevelopn1ent ..Area has the potential to become an. <br />in.vitingurbal1 environnlent and. to stre.ngt11en. the overall tiesirability of downtown in. <br />the regional marketplace. Tile Ur.ban Re.newal Agency is looking for a concel,t that <br />addresses the potential of the Redevelopnlellt Area and contributes to a well desiglled, <br />vibrant urban eo.vironment Conceptual architectural ilnages are ellcouraged but not <br />required; howeverl the nan"ative description s:houldbe of su.fficient tietail to <br />den10nstrate atl understan(:lu1g and. an 81111roach to the factors listed below. <br /> <br />1. Urban Design <br />The retievelo.p.ment co.ncept should incorporate elen1ents that contribute to em <br />invitin.g peliestriall ellvironnlent. Tllese in.clude but are 110t lill1ited to characteristics <br />such as prominent entries facing pu.bHc streets" buildings with minimal or n.o <br />setbacks front the sltiewalk, and appropriate treatmel1t of parkin.~ such as <br />enlbetld.ed or adequ.ately screenecl structures.. <br /> <br />2. Active Uses <br />Tl1e redevelopment concept should incorporate a tliverse .mix of uses that bring local <br />and regional visitors dow.ntow.n. day an.d evening. The n1ix of .uses shoculd inclutie <br />active groulld floors, stIch as retail and entertainment, em:ploy.m.ent ce.nter for jobsl <br />and residential opportunities (re.ntal and <br />