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CC Minutes - 01/24/00 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/24/00 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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Mayor Torrey suggested voting on Consent Calendar items A, B, and C and then discuss item D. <br /> <br />Councilor Meisner called for a new minutes process. He suggested that the council take action <br />on minutes at Wednesday work sessions rather than at Monday meetings to give councilors more <br />time for review. <br /> <br /> Roll call vote; the motion to adopt items A, B, and C of the Consent Calendar <br /> passed unanimously, 8:0. <br /> <br />Regarding Item D. of the consent calendar, Ms. Taylor said that she had concerns over the United <br />Front trip to Washington, DC, and the items that were planned to support. She wanted to add the <br />headwaters of the Amazon Creek to the list of waterways that were protected. <br /> <br />Councilor Nathanson asked Intergovernmental Relations Section staff to comment on the request. <br /> <br />Tim Black of the City Manager's Office said that the Upper Amazon Creek from 19th Avenue to <br />Snell Street was included in the federal agenda. He said that he was not sure if the headwaters <br />of Amazon Creek fell within the city limits. <br /> <br />Councilor Nathanson requested a memorandum from Steve Gordon of Lane Council of <br />Governments (LCOG) that would clarify exactly which land was included in the federal funding <br />request. She said that the proposals ere sequenced to match funding and congressional <br />initiatives. She added that it would be difficult to added an extra funding proposal because it <br />would be out of sequence. She also said that the land in question could very well be already <br />addressed. City Engineer Les Lyle commented that the land that Councilor Taylor mentioned was <br />beyond the scope of the upper Amazon project that was currently being worked on. He said that a <br />document could be developed describing the characteristics of the upper Amazon Creek that <br />could be taken to Washington, DC, to explore opportunities for funding. He added that he was not <br />familiar with any funding source that could be used to pay for the land in question. <br /> <br />Addressing Ms. Taylor's issue, Councilor Rayor suggested that the City's parks acquisition dollars <br />could be used to purchase the Amazon headwaters. City Manager Jim Johnson responded that <br />the general policy regarding the use of park acquisition dollars was reflected in the tabloid that <br />was mailed to the voters prior to the election. Purchase of the headwaters of the Amazon Creek <br />were not included in that tabloid. <br /> <br />Councilor Fart said that it was difficult to work out of sequence and still expect to get positive <br />funding results from the federal government. He added that local money was being spent on the <br />upper Amazon. <br />Councilor Taylor said that the headwaters of the Amazon were threatened by immediate <br />development. She added that the area was even more threatened because of the council's failure <br />to adopt the Key Waterways Ordinance. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey said that the chances of the elected officials going to Washington, DC, and placing a <br />new issue in front of the Congressional delegation was difficult. He urged the council to follow the <br />direction of the council committee and staff in the matter. <br /> <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council January 24, 2000 Page 3 <br /> 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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