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applicable adopted refinement plans. <br /> <br />Metro plan Policies <br /> <br />Residen rial Land Use and Housing Element, Policy A. 22. Expand opportunities for a mix of uses in <br />new~3' de~veloping areas and existing neighbo/hoods through local zoning and development <br />regulations. <br /> <br />The amendments ~nclude changes that m&e the establis~em ora hospital development ~ ou~ght <br />pe~tted Use ~n R-3 and R-4 z~nes. The ~endmems ~so ~nclude ch~ges m&ing ~t possible f~r a <br />hospital development to locate ~n R- 1, R-1.5 ~d R-2 zones w~th ~ approved conditional use pe~k. <br />These ~en~ents are cons~Stem with Policy A.22 because they allow hospital developments to <br />locate in many different zones, thereby exp~ding the opp°a~ity fbr a m~x of uses w~th~n a zone. <br /> <br />Economic Element, . Review local ordinances and revise them to promote grea~er <br />fiexibilitY for pr°motin~ appropriate commercial develOpment in residential neighborhoods. <br /> <br />The ~endments ~nclude changes that m&e the establis~ent of a hospital development ~ ou~t <br />pe~kted use ~n R-3 and R-4 zones. The amendmems also include changes making k possible for a <br />hospital development to locate in R-l, R- 1.5 ~d R-2 zones w~th ~ apprOved condkional use pe~it. <br />Th~se ~endgents are Consistent with Policy 22 because they allow ~ospital developments (&at can <br />~nclude ~c~11a~' me,cai labs ~d offices) t~ locate in residential zoneS, thereby prOmoting ~eater <br />flexibility for aPprop~ate commercial development in residential neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Economic Element. Policy 23. Provide for limited mixing of oJfice, commercial, and industrial uses <br />~nder pr° ced~res which ~learly define the conditions under which such uses shall be permitted and <br />which (a) presen, e the suit~bil~ty of the affected areas for their primal, ~s~s; (b) assure <br />compatibil)~,; and (C) consider the potential f~r increased t,~ffic congestion. <br /> <br /> ndmems ~nclude changes that m~e the establis~ent of a hospital &velopment ~n outfi~t <br /> ~d use ~n C-2, C-3, C-4~ GO, M, I-2 and I-3. Related uses may ~e established on the hospkal <br /> 2-4. A hospkal or related use ~n these commercial zones ~d ~O is su~ect to the lim~tations <br /> .2171(16). These limkations on hospital developments prese~e the s~itab~lity of C-2, C-3, <br /> ~ GO zones for commercial uses and t~e into account compatibility and p~tential traffic <br /> Hospkal developments within indus~al zones do not disturb the suk~b~liW ofI-1~ ~-2 ~d I-3 <br /> fbv ~ndustfial uses and do not cause traffic concerns. <br /> <br /> Refinement Plan Policies <br /> <br /> The amendments do not address a specific ~ea of the c2y or a specific public facility. Therefore, no <br /> refinement plan is p~icul~ly applicable. <br /> <br /> (3) The amendment ~s consistent w~th EC 93~20 Criteria br Establishment of an $ Special <br /> Area Zone, in the case of establishment of a sPeCial area zone. <br /> <br />Exhibit A - 16 <br /> <br /> <br />