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<br />ECC <br />UGENE ITY OUNCIL <br />AIS <br />GENDA TEM UMMARY <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Action: An Ordinance Concerning Motor Vehicle Fuel Dealer’s Business Licenses; <br />Repealing Section 3 of Ordinance 20337; and Amending Section 3.467 <br /> <br />of the Eugene Code, 1971 <br /> <br />Meeting Date: May 29, 2007 Agenda Item: 3 <br />Department: Public Works Staff Contact: Kurt Corey <br /> Contact Telephone Number: 682-5241 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br /> <br />This action would adopt an ordinance amending sections of the Eugene City Code dealing with the <br />Business License Tax on Motor Vehicle Fuel Dealers. The two proposed amendments would increase <br />by three cents the existing Eugene motor vehicle fuel tax rate (to eight cents per gallon) and, at the same <br />time, repeal the sunset provision on the two-cent fuel tax rate increase enacted in 2005. <br /> <br />Eugene lacks adequate funding to operate, maintain, and preserve its local street system. For FY08, the <br />annual deficit for operation and maintenance activities in the Road Fund is projected to exceed $1.6 <br />million, and the backlog of unfunded capital street repairs has grown to over $170 million. On May 23, <br />2007, the Eugene City Council approved the recommendations of the Council Subcommittee on <br />Transportation Funding Solutions and directed implementation of those recommendations, including <br />tonight’s proposed action to increase Eugene’s motor vehicle fuel tax by three cents per gallon to <br />generate an additional $2 million annually to operate, maintain and preserve the city’s street system. <br /> <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />Previous Council Action and History <br />The city’s first motor vehicle fuel tax was enacted in January 2003, based on the recommendation from <br />the Citizen’s Subcommittee on Transportation System Funding. Its recommendation was for a <br />combination local motor vehicle fuel tax and transportation system maintenance fee for the purpose of <br />generating an additional $9 million annually to address the City’s critical transportation system funding <br />needs. That first fuel tax was implemented at three cents per gallon and has generated about $2 million <br />per year since 2003. The other revenue mechanism in that funding recommendation, a street utility fee <br />designed to generate an additional $6.5-$7 million per year, was adopted but later repealed before it <br />could be fully implemented. <br /> <br />A two-cent increase to the motor vehicle fuel tax was approved in January 2005, along with a sunset <br />provision that would cause the tax to revert to three cents per gallon on February 29, 2008. The council <br />added the sunset provision, to be effective in the third year of the increase, citing the hope that three <br />years would allow sufficient time to complete a comprehensive review of available funding options in <br />the effort to develop a more permanent funding strategy for transportation system needs. <br /> L:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M070529\S0705293.DOC <br />