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Item 3: Ordinance Concerning Business License Tax on Motor Vehicle Fuel Dealers
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 05/29/07 Meeting
Item 3: Ordinance Concerning Business License Tax on Motor Vehicle Fuel Dealers
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6/9/2010 12:43:34 PM
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5/24/2007 10:17:02 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br /> <br />On September 26, 2005, the council reviewed and discussed the financial status and fund forecast for <br />Eugene’s Road Fund. Based on that discussion, the council directed the City Manager to develop a <br />FY07 Road Fund budget at the current service level and to bring back a proposal for a new revenue <br />funding package which would address the projected ongoing operating deficit in street operations and <br />maintenance, in addition to generating additional revenue for funding the backlog of unfunded projects <br />in the pavement preservation program. <br /> <br />On January 22, 2007, the City Council agreed to the formation of a council subcommittee, comprised of <br />four councilors, to study transportation funding options and to bring back within three months a <br />recommendation for a solution or solutions meeting certain specific criteria to adequately fund the <br />transportation system. At that same meeting, the council directed the City Manager to proceed with a <br />public hearing on proposed amendments to City Code which would increase the Business License Tax <br />on Motor Vehicle Fuel Dealers by three cents per gallon to the eight-cent level and repeal the sunset <br />provision on the two-cent fuel tax rate increase enacted in 2005. That public hearing was conducted on <br />February 20, 2007, and the minutes from that meeting are included here as Attachment B. <br /> <br />On May 23, 2007, the Council Subcommittee on Transportation Funding Solutions presented its report <br />and recommendations to the full council. At that meeting, the council approved a general course of <br />action that is intended to lead to the implementation of a variety of strategies, including a capital local <br />levy, a street utility fee based on parking, a solid waste collection surcharge, a street and bike path <br />lighting fee, and this proposed increase to the current local motor vehicle fuel tax. The proposed <br />revisions to the Eugene Code with regard to the motor vehicle fuel tax are set out in Attachment A, the <br />proposed ordinance. <br /> <br />Funding Needs, Legal Analyses and Implementation Issues <br />Increasing the local motor vehicle fuel tax rate by three cents to the eight-cent level would provide an <br />additional estimated $2 million annually. Together with three other new proposed fees and a capital <br />local option levy recommended by the Council Subcommittee, this package solution would generate <br />new revenue of nearly $16 million per year to address the projected ongoing operating deficits in the <br />Road Fund operations and maintenance activities and provide stable and adequate funding for the $170 <br />million backlog of unfunded capital street repairs. <br /> <br />Road Operations and Maintenance Needs - The City’s Road Fund accounts for the operation and <br />maintenance of Eugene’s street system. Due to flat growth in state revenues and loss of historical <br />county road partnership revenues, the Road Fund is expected to have an annual operating deficit of over <br />$1.6 million for FY08 (growing to $2.2 million by FY10) for ongoing activities such as street lighting, <br />pothole patching, street tree maintenance, signing and striping of city streets. <br /> <br />Capital Pavement Preservation Needs - The current five-cent gas tax has allowed the City to complete <br />nearly $12.9 million in street preservation project work since 2003, with additional contracts in progress. <br />This year, more than 17.4 lane miles of slurry seal projects and 20.5 lane miles of rehabilitation projects <br />are scheduled, including the overlay of portions of 18th Avenue, Chambers Street and Bailey Hill Road. <br /> <br />In spite of these accomplishments, the backlog of needed repair work continues to grow in the face of <br />rapidly rising construction costs and insufficient revenues. In late 2001, the City was facing an <br />estimated $67 million backlog in pavement preservation work. By last month, the estimated cost of that <br /> L:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M070529\S0705293.DOC <br />
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