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CC Minutes - 07/13/05 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/13/05 WS
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8/9/2005 2:57:41 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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outdoor amenities was unsurpassed. He thought the plan looked good at first cut and approved of looking at <br />it both as a way to improve community livability and as an economic strategy. Mr. Kelly noted there was no <br />motion language included on the agenda though the agenda item summary (ALS) suggested the council could <br />approve it. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor indicated that if the council was comfortable with the plan, adoption at the present <br />meeting would expedite the plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly commented that there were a few things he could ~quibble with," but because there were points at <br />which the plan would return to check in with the council, he felt it could move forward as a draft. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly recommended inclusion of venues from the private sector when identifying community partners. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman echoed Mr. Kelly's comments. She wanted to focus on the enhancement of livability in <br />Eugene. She did not believe the primary goal to be an increase in tourism. <br /> <br />Regarding the timeline, Ms. Bettman said the historic intent of council goals had been to take on something <br />achievable within a councilor's lifetime on the council. Because of council turnover, she pointed out that <br />this was a two-year threshold. She felt the implementation became almost regional and would take the goal <br />beyond being a council goal. She wished to see a more focused effort; one that leveraged the most benefit <br />with the investment that made sense for Eugene and one that maximized the assets Eugene already had. She <br />approved of the marketing strategy, but had concerns that the City was joining the efforts of the County. <br />She did not want to see a council goal ~get co-opted" to bolster the County's pursuit of a new convention <br />center. <br /> <br />Mr. Poling also had some questions about the timeline but recognized the magnitude of the project the City <br />faced. He agreed that it would be nice to compress the timeline and said it would be beneficial to fold some <br />of the City's efforts into a regional effort. He averred that private involvement was an important piece of <br />the goal. He cited a recent youth soccer tournament that brought people from all over the United States to <br />the area. He underscored the importance of involving all of the private venues to find out what events they <br />were planning so that the City could build upon them and try to blend in some of the activities of the natural <br />surroundings and the local talent. In this way, he felt people would have something else to participate in <br />other than their specific event. <br /> <br /> Mr. Poling, seconded by Ms. Solomon, moved to approve the proposed ~Arts and Out- <br /> doors" Action Plan. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy called for further questions and comments. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap~ surmised that the council liked the way the plan was organized but was less favorable to the <br />timeline. He asked that it be compressed if possible. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor commented that staff saw working with all of the City's partners, both intergovern- <br />mental and private, as integral to the process. He averred that the cross-departmental work provided an <br />additional focus and more work to consider. He heard, however, council feedback to get the work out faster <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council July 13, 2005 Page 3 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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