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CC Minutes - 07/13/05 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/13/05 WS
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8/9/2005 2:57:41 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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and provide specific steps that were achievable within a councilor's lifetime as well as development of a <br />longer term strategy so that the "Arts and Outdoors" focus would be maintained. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap~ remarked that he looked forward to something with an 18-month time span that would be carried <br />on into the future. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly agreed with staff that the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space comprehensive plan and the <br />Cultural Service comprehensive plan were important components of the strategic goal. He thought the role <br />of the City government should be to provide visibility in order to get the word out and also to serve as a <br />coordinator that would convene different "outdoors folks" and arts groups that had not worked together <br />before to find the synergy among them. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly noted that the councilors received a letter from Greg Larago which suggested that the City <br />endorse "Greatest City for the Arts and Outdoors" as Eugene's official slogan. He supported moving on <br />this soon because it had already become a de facto slogan. He asked staff to relay in a memorandum how <br />this could be made official. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Ms. Bettman, Ms. Riner said staff planned for the resource assessment to <br />take six months and it would likely be accomplished with existing resources. In response to a follow-up <br />question, Ms. Riner stated that some funding would probably be needed after the marketing strategy was <br />developed when the City was ready to implement it. <br /> <br />Ms. Muir interjected that a six-month check in with the council would provide an opportunity to keep the <br />council and staff in contact with budgetary needs. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman was happy to hear this. She opposed, however, a council goal having to do with Eugene that <br />sought to maximize and promote the unique attributes of the arts and outdoors being "co-opted" into a <br />regional strategy or something used to help build a convention center. <br /> <br />Mr. Poling hoped there was an automatic check-in built into the plan so that the council remained apprised <br />of progress made on the priority goals. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor hoped that once the action plans were adopted, the City Council would see a regular <br />report on how all of the eight goals were progressing. <br /> <br />Mr. Poling asked that staff bring news of any major stumbling blocks to the council's attention as well as <br />progress of a more positive nature. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy shared her enthusiasm for the amount of commitment on the part of the council to the arts and <br />outdoors theme. She noted that she had seen the City represented as a place for the arts and the outdoors <br />while traveling earlier in the week. She expressed hope that the council and staff would look for opportuni- <br />ties that might arise for the arts and the outdoors across the board and to move quickly on them. She <br />remarked that the arts and outdoors theme was tied to the priority for supporting redevelopment of the <br />downtown area. She also thought this would provide opportunities to "connect" with the University of <br />Oregon and those opportunities should be taken advantage of. <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council July 13, 2005 Page 4 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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