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CC Minutes - 07/13/05 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/13/05 WS
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8/9/2005 2:57:41 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Additionally, Mayor Piercy voiced her support for a Eugene focus. She stressed, however, that Eugene was <br />a part of a region and the region had an interest in this and was already engaged. She said it would not be in <br />the City's best interest not to take advantage of this. She commented that there were plenty of opportunities <br />and it was up to the City to "run fast enough" to take advantage of them. <br /> <br /> The motion passed unanimously, 8:0. <br /> <br />B. Work Session: <br /> City Council Priority Issue - Develop a Strategy to Help the Homeless in Eugene <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor introduced Director of the Library, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department <br />(LRCS) Angel Jones and asked her to present the item <br /> <br />Ms. Jones stated that homelessness was not unique to the city of Eugene. She related that staff had taken a <br />three-prong approach in the proposed plan by looking at the government's role in the process of setting <br />ordinances or creating policy, looking at the internal processes and determining what could be done <br />differently to remove barriers to be able to assist the homeless population, and to look at the external <br />environment including stakeholders, current resources available, gaps in services, and best practices in other <br />areas and how they could be utilized to collaborate and have a sustainable impact in trying to help the <br />homeless. Ms. Jones said a number of key stakeholders had been contacted to discuss the "plan to plan," <br />recognizing that there had not been time to truly engage them. She reiterated that this issue was not germane <br />to the city of Eugene alone. She asked Mike Magee, chair of the committee that worked on the action plan, <br />to walk the council through the plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Magee, Administrative Manager for LRCS, explained that he had been charged with the responsibility <br />of leading the group who were assembled to develop the action plan. He underscored that it had been a <br />broad-based group, many of whom had worked and interacted with homeless members of the community. <br />He had been energized by the level of knowledge and first-hand experience group members shared. <br /> <br />Mr. Magee reviewed the six strategic areas on which the council should focus, as outlined in Attachment A: <br />Strategic Priority Issue - Develop a Strategy to Help the Homeless in Eugene Action Plan. He stressed <br />that it was still, at this point, a "plan to plan." He pointed out that Eugene had a history of trying to help <br />homeless people. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy called on the council for questions and comments. <br /> <br />Referring to page 19 of the agenda item summary (AIS), Ms. Taylor asked what had been meant by <br />'updating zoning.' Ms. Jones replied that the list of items Ms. Taylor was referring to were examples of <br />practices in other cities and that particular one was in regard to zoning to either include or exclude certain <br />types of behaviors. She mentioned loitering and camping as examples. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor agreed that homelessness was not just a local problem. She hoped that the Council Committee <br />on Intergovernmental Relations (CCIGR) would discuss this issue because the problem of finding shelter <br />should be a State concern. She opined that should the City of Eugene do a good job of taking care of the <br />homeless, it could attract additional homeless people to the area <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council July 13, 2005 Page 5 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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