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CC Minutes - 09/13/99 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 09/13/99 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Kelly acknowledged the importance of the erosion program and thanked staff for bringing the proposal <br />before the council. He urged implementation as soon as possible. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee praised staf?s work and wondered if the proposed ordinance was consistent with what was being <br />done at the federal level. Mr. Lyle indicated that the one-acre permit threshold was consistent with expected <br />requirements from EPA for stormwater NPDES permits; however, the City was not proposing further <br />program changes due to the uncertainty of what other changes the EPA might require. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson noted that the agenda item summary described this as an outcome-based program yet there <br />are no measures identified in the document. She said one of the reasons for the lack of measures was that the <br />information was not collected. She said she hoped the proposed changes are implemented and that staff <br />collects the information necessary to develop those measures. Mr. Lyle explained the difficulty in collecting <br />measurable information, however, staff intended to enhance its database regarding complaints, permit and <br />non-permit violations, etc. Ms. Nathanson asked about the court system's involvement. City Attorney Glenn <br />Klein said the administrative civil penalty process was adopted for its expediency. He explained that the <br />court process was time-consuming and costly because it required that the City file a lawsuit. Ms. Nathanson <br />called attention to the DAC's ideas listed on page 40 of the packet and wondered if staff would be following <br />up on those. Mr. Lyle said staff planned to address those suggestions and report back to the group. <br /> <br />Mr. Rayor pointed out areas of concern with the document, specifically with notification prior to wet weather <br />construction and the expense-based method of determining if erosion controls were required. He expressed <br />support for the DAC's ideas. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner said he was most interested in the program's goals and would leave the details to staff. He said <br />he was delighted about the significant education component of the program. <br /> <br /> Mr. Meisner moved, seconded by Ms. Nathanson, to approve the scope of <br /> changes of the summary abatement and civil penalty/permit provisions; and <br /> direct staff to return to the council for a public hearing on the proposed code <br /> changes; and direct staff to work with the Stormwater DAC subcommittee to <br /> finalize refinements to the proposed program changes. <br /> <br />Addressing a question from Ms. Taylor, Mr. Lyle said plots too small to require a permit are nonetheless <br />subject to the program outcomes and penalties. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Mr. Pap6, Mr. Klein said violators may appeal a hearings official's decision to <br />the Circuit Court. <br /> <br /> The motion passed unanimously, 7:0. <br /> <br />At Mr. Rayor's request, Mr. Lyle explained the next steps in the process, saying staff would take the council's <br />input to the DAC and refine the program recommendations. He said there would be a separate public hearing <br />for the recommended code changes for enforcement. Staff will return to the council for review and adoption <br />of any code changes necessary for the program recommendations. Mr. Lyle also indicated staff would review <br />section 2.2 of the outcome fact sheet with the DAC. <br /> <br />B. Work Session: Bus Rapid Transit <br /> <br />Minutes--Eugene City Council September 13, 1999 Page 2 <br /> 5:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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