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CC Minutes - 09/13/99 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 09/13/99 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Acting City Manager Warren Wong introduced Hillary Wylie and Pat Hocken, members of the Lane Transit <br />District (LTD) Board, and Stefano Viggiano, LTD staff. <br /> <br />Ms. Hocken provided an update on the bus rapid transit (BRT) planning process. She reviewed the packet <br />material, noting that LTD was about to embark on an environmental assessment of phase 1 of the pilot <br />corridor, which will run from downtown Springfield to downtown Eugene. She thanked the council for its <br />support and expressed appreciation for the City staf?s participation in the project. <br /> <br />Mr. Viggiano described the design work to date, including photo simulations of some sites in Springfield, <br />Glenwood, and Eugene. He said the trees in the median along Franklin Boulevard were found to be in good <br />condition, but not of the appropriate type for the site. Mr. Viggiano said a decision would have to be made to <br />either replant or interplant the site with more appropriate trees. He identified the removal of on-street parking <br />as a major impact but said staff has been communicating with effected parties to mitigate the problem. <br />Projections of ridership and travel times were difficult he said, because there are no current models from <br />which to draw. Mr. Viggiano said the benefits of this type of system are greater over time. An immediate <br />benefit is that it will be about 20 percent faster than the current system, increasing to 40 percent by the year <br />2015. He described the next steps: environmental assessment; additional technical analysis; and researching <br />a neighborhood service (intended as a system with small buses that connect people to the main BRT routes <br />and areas within the neighborhood such as schools). Mr. Viggiano noted the ambitious schedule, with those <br />steps to be completed in the next eight months. He acknowledged the possibility of delays for several <br />reasons, not the least of which would be having to do a full environmental impact statement (EIS) instead of <br />an assessment. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner expressed excitement about the project and emphasized that the neighborhood connections were <br />extremely important. He noted great support from the federal government. He said it was important to <br />remember that this was just a pilot corridor, with more to follow later. <br /> <br />Addressing a question from Ms. Nathanson, Ms. Hocken said LTD was counting on the council to support <br />BRT as one of the elements of the adopted TransPlan but if citizens contacting them have other LTD issues <br />to discuss they should be referred to LTD. Ms. Nathanson wondered how the interface at the intersection of <br />Kincaid and 1 lth Avenue would work. Mr Viggiano explained that BRT would require a redesign of some of <br />the infrastructure, adding that the project includes installation of a signal light at the intersection. Ms. <br />Nathanson asked if this was seen as an opportunity to move utilities underground and wondered if there had <br />been any collaboration to seize the opportunity. Mr. Viggiano referred her to Goal 5 for the pilot corridor, <br />which includes aesthetics. He said LTD's goal was to develop a project that enhances both transit and other <br />travel modes and aesthetics in the community. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly supported the project but said his biggest concern was that the BRT's goal of putting into place the <br />right-of-way for future light rail service was jeopardized by putting in a single guideway for the buses. He <br />echoed Mr. Meisner's comment about the neighborhood service being critical. He urged LTD to consider <br />other options for addressing the loss of on-street parking. Mr. Kelly suggested including a bullet about <br />minimizing tree loss in the Goals and Implementation Guidelines, particularly if the document is widely <br />distributed. <br /> <br />Mr. Rayor asked to have all the alternatives considered by LTD brought before the council, not just the <br />preferred ones. He also asked for more detail in the spreadsheet; smaller increments of the corridor for more <br />detail, particularly on the impacts; and written responses to the questions raised by the council and staff at <br />this session. Finally, he said, he wanted ensure that bikes, baby strollers, and the like can be easily <br />accommodated on the new buses. <br /> <br />Minutes--Eugene City Council September 13, 1999 Page 3 <br /> 5:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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