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CC Minutes - 06/30/99 JEO
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/30/99 JEO
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City Council Minutes
Joint Elected Officials
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statutory requirement (Senate Bill 1145) related to people sentenced to serving a term of a year or <br />less who were moved out of the state system into the county system and housed in Lane County. She <br />added the membership of the PSCC was by statute. She noted that locally they chose to expand the <br />membership and scope of the group by an intergovernmental agreement for a broader purpose, to <br />maximize the resources in public safety. She said they set goals to help identify the current system <br />gaps and functions. She added the assessment period took a long time and the representation of the <br />group was broadened to provide as many viewpoints as possible, and to make sure they would have <br />viable recommendations for the public safety system. She said they focused on the good of the <br />community and came up with consensus for an action (the November 1998 levy) to put before the <br />voters, a package of components to improve public safety that would make the most significant <br />differences. She noted they achieved unanimous support in putting forward the levy for the 1998 <br />ballot and there was support for the campaign because it was a system-wide approach versus what <br />was popular. She added they almost won and the polling showed that with a month longer to do <br />more outreach, they could have easily won. She said they wanted to investigate any alternatives there <br />might be to property tax that would get broader support from the community. She said the finance <br />committee came with a recommendation and brought it to the PSCC to see if it was viable. She <br />added they commissioned the Moore Information Study and Focus Groups by S2 Intelligence, and it <br />showed strong support for those components. She noted from the survey information they came up <br />with a Safer Communities presentation by Ken Tollenaar to talk about more of the issues. She said <br />out of that meeting there was consensus to go forward to the Board of Commissioners. She added <br />that an option was always to do nothing, but given the research that was done, doing nothing was not <br />an option. <br /> <br />REVIEW OF 1998 LEVY COMPONENTS <br /> <br />Myra Wall, Director, Public Safety Coordinating Council, described the Public Safety Coordinating <br />Council Safer Communities Proposal. She noted the package started with 24 components and was <br />narrowed down to the current items. She said components that were chosen for the levy had been <br />proven to work and make a difference. She added it had prevention and enforcement accountability. <br /> <br />Wall noted the first component was the Healthy Start Program (the 1998 package) that appeared <br />again. She said they added to this component a pilot project for more home visits for families in need <br />and for more first family births. She said the second component was the alternative school program <br />that focused on the middle school children and homeless youth, in their education and social skills <br />development. She noted they are youth that could not be in public school, but the idea was to turn <br />them around to get them back into the school system. She said the third component was the Juvenile <br />Intake Assessment Center that came out of the Thurston shooting incident, to have assessment <br />capability available seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. <br /> <br />David Kelly, City of Eugene, asked for clarification about the spreadsheet in the advanced packet, as <br />the program more than doubled over the amount in the 1998 levy. <br /> <br />Page 2 -- Lane County Joint Elected Officials Meeting -- June 30, 1999 <br />WP bclm1990751M <br /> <br /> <br />
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