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CC Minutes - 08/09/99 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 08/09/99 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Kelley said he was not prepared to approve the proposal until the following concerns were <br />addressed: 1) page 12--nothing in the agreement addresses cost overruns (Ms. Andersen <br />reiterated that the City's participation has been limited to $4 million, although there would be <br />some participation in the sports complex components and playing fields but not in any additional <br />amenities); 2) clarification needed on what the use matrix applies to; 3) set maximum 4J usage in <br />the IGA beyond which discussion at the policy level is triggered; 4) rental rates--softball not <br />mentioned; 5) advertising should not be left up to the User Committee--advertising should be <br />eliminated altogether; 6) the City should participate in closure decisions; and, 7) "instructional <br />days" needs to be clarified. Mr. Kelly said he was still waiting for responses to his e-mail <br />messages about working with neighborhoods on fencing. Ms. Andersen said that fell into the <br />refinement of the plans that staff would follow-up on with neighborhoods once given direction <br />from the council. Mr. Kelly also asked for information on the net gain in the number of fields in <br />the community. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Mr. Farr, Andrea Riner, Public Works, indicated that the City had <br />participated with the Bethel School District in the following projects: Shasta ballfields; bond <br />measure projects at Malabon School and Danebo Elementary; and the Bethel Community Park. <br />Bond park money spent in the Bethel area without the district's participation are: Irwin Park (next <br />spring); a skateboard facility adjacent to Meadow View School; about five projects total. Mr. Farr <br />said he was satisfied that Bethel was getting a fair share of the school bond and also of the City's <br />parks expenditures. He lauded the joint effort and called it an excellent investment but pointed <br />out that not all children are involved in sports. He asked that more consideration be given to <br />performing arts-- something as simple as a few steps and a locked box for electricity. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor said she shared the already mentioned concerns about fencing, scheduling, and turf <br />maintenance costs. She suggested installing graffiti walls in some of the areas. Ms. Taylor said <br />her biggest concern was that people do not think this was what they voted for so a public hearing <br />should be held before council approval of any project. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee said the issue was not highly controversial but a public hearing was in order nonetheless. <br />He asked for clarification on the number of existing playing fields in the four high schools. Ms. <br />Andersen explained that in some cases existing fields will be improved. Mr. Lee expressed <br />concern with a constituent's assessment that it was "dishonest to use tax money in this way." <br />Mr. Johnson responded that site improvements include such things as skateboard bowls, <br />shelters, rest rooms, spectator seating, parking, etc. Ms. Andersen explained that by "piggy- <br />backing" on existing and mutually developable athletic facilities with the school district, the City <br />was able to find the same benefit at two sites for the same amount of money. In response to a <br />follow-up question from Mr. Lee, Mr. Johnson said that a portion of future dollars in the budget <br />have been reserved for future maintenance. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap8 said he was extremely excited about the partnership, indicating that his goal was to get <br />more game time, more practice time, and more playing time for community youth. He shared Ms. <br />Taylor's concern with being truthful about the use of the funds and said the IGA should segregate <br />the City's responsibilities clearly in paragraph two. Mr. Pap8 said the User Committee was <br />critical, with two representatives each from City and district and the rest of the seats filled by <br />community members for a maximum of 10 on the committee. He referred the council to Page 12 <br />and asked to change Development to "in an area as close as possible to the high school and <br />parking" rather that "just to the north and west of the community center at Sheldon High School." <br />Mr. Pap8 said the agreement should run for 30 years, with a difficult out at 10 and 20 years. He <br />said it should be made clear that youth groups are exempt from user fees. Ms. Riner confirmed <br /> <br />Minutes--Eugene City Council August 9, 1999 Page 2 <br /> 5:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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