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<br />( <br /> <br />~55 4- <br /> <br />Page 3. <br /> <br />maintain communication wit~ memae~s Sf tAe Ret~Aae~R88~ e~~aR1=atteRs <br />with the-ir ne-ighborhoods on a:}i- plans, a118 pr'oposal s, and activities <br />affecting tA2 a~ea their areas. <br /> <br />€ d. Net~Raef~a86 e~~aR4~a~t8R9 may 5~effit~ ~bRt~~ feeemffie~8af.~eH5 te tAe <br />PtaHRtA~ Ga~~5St8R. Re~~e5tS fer fH~6tn~ 8~ Aei~A~e~Haea ~fejee~s <br />fSf ~85Sta+e ~n€tH5taR ~R tHe €fty BHa~et eBB eapft2+ ~mp~8~e~en~S <br />~reg~a~ may ae SHeffi~tte8 te tRe €~ty eHe~e~ e8ffiffifttee. Neighborhood <br />organizations may submit to city departments and eleeted or appointed <br />eity bod-ies requests Or' proposals for projeets or aet-ivities needed <br />in their neighborhood areas. <br /> <br />d e. Neighborhood organizations shall continue the planning process by <br />reevaluating the goals, objectives, and recommendations contained <br />within the neighborhood plan. <br /> <br />e. As t8R~ as tRe Ret~RB8~Aaea ~ematRS e~~aR+cea aRe aettvety tRV6lvea <br />tR 5e~Y~R~ €HPfeRt ~pa~teffiS 6P tR aeYeta~tR~ aRj ~a~t sf a p~aA~ aA~ <br />tt eaR ae aeffieR5t~atea that the eFftee~s a~e kee~~A~ tAe Aet~Aae~he8a <br />tRf6Pffie~, tt Wt~t €8RttAHe te ~e feea~Aj~e~. <br /> <br />Section 3. Functions and Responsibilities of the City <br /> <br />a. The city will provide recognized neighborhood organizations with <br />supplies, printing~ mailing, and limited staff assistance to aid in <br />tAe ~taRA~A~ ~~e€eS5 their aetivitie?~ subject to budgetary alloca- <br />tions. <br /> <br />o. The eity shall provide an orientation session twiee year'ly to acquaint <br />neighborhood leaders with eity functions and programs~ and eity~ <br />neighborhood relationships and responsibilities. <br /> <br />8 c. Neighborhood organizations shall be notified of at~ ~P6~a5e~ ~eRiRg, <br />sHBe~v~s~8A, €eRe~eteAa~ Hse ~e~tt5, aA~ ~taRRea ~R4t 8eVete~ffieRt <br />fpY9j ap~tt€atteR5 land use and development applieations within the <br />neighborhood and annexations contiguous to the neighborhood within <br />five days after the receipt of such applications aRe tR aavaAee Sf <br />the sate Hp8R WAteR tRey a~e S€AeSHtea fe~ €eRStae~atteR BY tRe <br />PtaARt~~ Geffiffi~5s~aR. Neighborhood organizations will also be notified <br />of pub lie hearings affeeting disposition of these applieations. <br /> <br />€ d. Neighborhood organizations shall be notified of all proposed, <br />sef4sHSty eaAteffi~tatea €tty changes in city polieies~ projeets~ ser- <br />viee8~ ar~ aetivities having a ~~tma~y significant effect H~eR trafft€ <br />aRe Sefeets iM the+~ Re+~ftbefMeees, aRa alt ~fa~e~ee ffiaja~ e~aR~es <br />tR €teY- ~afks aRe ~eefeat4eR fae~t~t~e5 aRa ~f8~pams W4tAtR on their <br />neighborhoods (e.g. land use~ transportation a~~ traffie~ parks and <br />reereation~ housing~ and publie serviees)~ in ample time to allow <br />participation in the ~taRR4R~ decision-making process. <br /> <br />a e. All neighborhood plans shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission <br />at a public hearing open to the Eugene community before a recommen- <br />dation is forwarded to the City Council. <br />