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<br />The City C<..1tmcil ren.lrned to the Coundl Chamber at 1 0:05 p..m, <br />S" .A.CTION; <br /> Resolution 4849 Establishing Interim l.ocal Criteria Applicable in tbe Proposed West Eugene <br /> enterprise lone and AdapHng a l)ublk Benefit Scoring System; ami R(~pe~ling Resolution 4845 <br /> CoundJo! Pare, seconded by Councilor Poling, moved to extend the meeting by one..half <br /> hour, RoH call vote: the rnotion passed unanimously, 2:0, <br /> Councilor Ortiz mov'Cd to direct the City .l\.f;;mager to infurm the Stat<;: and the County that <br /> the City does not intend to appoint a Local Zone manager ullder ORS :ZS5C W5 and <br /> Oregon Admini~triltive Rub;:: (OAR) 11:Hi65..0200 until after City and County ele<;.ted <br /> offkh1s have additional discussi.ons and reach agreement about how to deal vlith the. <br /> question of job retentioR The motion died for hwk of a ::;econd. <br /> Coundlor Papt., se.o;mded by C\.nmcilor Poling,m.oved to dirz~ct thi;) City Manager to cea;:;c <br /> his el1brts to tenninate the newly created enteq:H'ise ZOIl>;, <br /> Cm.rncHnr Bettn:w:n, ;:;eeon<kd by Councilor Kdly, moved a sub;,:,titme motion that the City <br /> Council reinforce its c'mnrnitmz~nt to it,., previous resoluti.on tor the enterprise zone <br /> applk.ation of April 20 and its Interim Standards Resolution of June 27; Lane (\mnty <br /> "vou.ld be a welcome partner m tl:H:: en..h:Tpr1,.,e zone should it not H)' the City of it::; <br /> concurren~e by July 22, 2005. Failing such concurrerv...::e the City T\-fanager shall end <br /> Eugr:nc's p<\rtkipaticHl in th{~ z~ntcrprise :lone, <br />Councilor Pape ,aised a point of \.xoer in that he had not been provided the nppmtlm:ity to speak t(l his <br />Inotinn. <br />Councilor fk1tman ad;;ed him to ::;peaK to his rnotion, <br />COl.l.ndlor Pape felt CoundlorBdtman's rnotion was "splitting hHiri;," He regrethcd that his p~\rticipatio.n <br />in thi:: ,<vork se~sion at which t.he initb;J vot<;~ on the entefprisz~ nme had been taken had been prevented by ~l <br />poor telephon.e connection. He said he wonld have opposui the motion to direct tht';: City Manager to <br />i.)eaSt~ purRlance of the enkrpri;:;ez;;HJe, He Jdt that both the City t;;nd the Cuunty wanted what many <br />peopJ.e in the <..xmmmnity \vanted, I-le thought vlaiking away from thh mechanism for increasing economic <br />vii<tiity in the commrm:ity over a mino!' change in the tax breaks would make the City C:Olmdl ";look. lik<;~ a <br />::;hip offoo!s," <br />Councilor Bettman thought the council adopted a compromise mmion for interim standar<h,. She averred <br />that tbi; near-s;;onsensus had led to thc ~UCI;::ess of the motion. She said the Zl'ne, as l~.onceived with those <br />::;tand.ards, would provide benefits t()r local businesses and tor ntw husine:;;se:;; as well as pn:rvidingjl)bs <br />and bHlandng the City\; need for enough revenue to pmvide essential services. She ,ecaEed that the <br />C:ou:n.ty agreed to it in April a.nd had no langn.age about job retention or the possibility that the cap could <br />he waivett She (l~;s(~rted that the County rdwaGtivdy t.ried. to change the tenni; of the u!:,.'Tecment. She <br />bdic\;'cd that l:aii;e.d legal. i.:.,sue~. She- thought the standards as proposed by the County provi(hxl <br />"extr3.o:rdlnmy" bt:nefih to business developers, <br />MINUfES------Eugeue City CounGil Jul.y IS, 2005 hlge 1.3 <br />R IS' <br />. ~egli ar ~ Z~SlGn <br /> .. ..........................................--............. <br />