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<br />Councilor Kdly ::;uppmted Couw~ilor BdJrn<'ln's subi;Htute mmil.)n, He n:;serted that it had only been <br />through com.pwmi:;e and collaboration that the City Cotmdl was able to arrive at a decision on the <br />enterprise zone in thl.~ firi;t ph!i~e. He felt the C01.mty's cbmgz~s jeopardiz.ed thi:;; 1evd {}f <'\grcemeut He <br />n.oted th<tt the enterpri~e zone WM an agreement to give up bx revenuc in o:rd(T to provide an inccnthT to. <br />a busine:;;s for cxp<.mi;ion. He said the balancing act for an elected ofiit.ial \vas to maintain equilibrium <br />bdwetn the in~xmtivc,,> provided with the revenue ne\:~ded for servke::<. He avernxlthat the counGWs <br />proposal did so, He assertcd that it had been hinted th<'it "all e;.;:onomic developml.:-nt would cease" \vithout <br />the enteq1rise zone. He disagreed with this notion and hoped that the (~nkrpd:.;e zone conld be retained <br />with the cap as orlginaHy pro.po:;ed. <br />Councilor Ortiz was disappointed that no one was willing to discu,Ss thl.~ motion. she had set forth. She <br />undersc.;)red that she would vote on behalf of the best interests of hcr <.:oni;htuency. She pointed IJut that <br />her constituents ne<.")'-1ed job:;, <br />Coundlor Pryor could not support the motion, He refused to he~td down the path toward termination of <br />the enterprise :wrv;::, He believed a solution could be reached. He acknowledgd tlwt councilors would <br />lu!ve different pcr~pective$ but by trying to terminate the ZOl1l::, press1..,re Vias being creakd that ~.v~!:; <br />unnecessary. He thought the couneil had g;,:me a long way in tenns of reaching .<'!greenlent, having agreed <br />rm :"tandaxds, boundaries, that bfownGekb would he targeted over greenfield!'" a cap, and;) who}ev<!riety <br />.of other ~m;::a$, He pointed. out that thc County had m::cepted some of the coundl's ~tweemems and now it <br />wa:" the (~ity's turn to accept :wme of the Connty's dechions ill a spirit of wmprmnise. 1-1e stress<~.d that <br />fhl~ first step would be to not c.ontinue to try to knn:inate thc zone. Hc bdievtxl that termination would <br />create probh:~ms Md <.:odd "bh.ttkbal1" Hw City from. hdng able to apply for another one. He supported <br />the original motion and not the suhstitute motion. <br />Councilor Poling indicated h:is opposition to the sub!',htme nwtionA He agn;~ed that the County made <br /> h<'ld th<;: City. He noted that the vote on the cap had been a 5A vote and thM b.asd on that <br />vote, the 1;;("}UllCii Y{)ted 7:1 to move forward. He thought it unfortunate that the! had not included <br />th{:~ (\~unty in its di:;cus:;ioni; on what the dollar amount of thc cap \vmdd be. He said support for the <br />original motion 'would allow the cUlmcH a:n !}pportunity to f()Eow up with the snggested motion in the <br />agenda item summary (AIS) and the Uty \\iodd have ,Some local confrol and loeal stanilim..Js oyer the <br />ent~"Prise zone thaJ was now in dTec:t. He stre::;:"ed that B. eompany could come in <it present and it would. <br />be under State guidelines; thcre \v{mld be no lo<.:al <xmtroL He felt it hoded down to the "retention pmt.'" <br />I.le averred that a <;;~llnpa:ny that .had been in the cornmunity tl;n' ~! lnng time and w<inted to rnake a <br />substantial inve::;tmem in the company \voukt in the kmg nm, allow the City to make more money even if <br />no employees. were added, He oppo:"ed trcating thcm d.ifkrently from an out-of....state or o1lfnofclJuntry <br />entity that vlOuld bring ht new jobs and dtimatdy cre.ate more work for the infrastrudure aud public <br />servicei;. He noted that .f'vlr. Ca~lsidy asserti;)(l in the Public Forum that the City of Eugenc w<::; creating <br />jobs for people who res.ided outside nfCity limits and opined that this wa:; nut a bad thing. He pointed out <br />that the City received tax money that resulted {l'om the business such en,ployee,~ workd <'it \vhiIe the <br />serviees to thosc employeei; were being provided on "someone eLse's tah:' He reiterated that the principle <br />of an enterprise zone was to inl.:rease the tax hase through job c.rea:tlon,joh retention., stabi.lir,atkm of the <br />base, and through the S\ip'port f()t. gn}wth and for local husin(~sc,,>,He corn:mented that six companies <br />\v<;::re h'.mking at the enterprise zone, He predkted the City WOUld lose tho:"e companies should thc <br />substitute motbn be pass\:~d, <br />Councilor Pa:pe explained that he had not seeonded the motion made hy Cormdlor Ortiz because he <br />thought ;;lnything that could he interpreted by the State as an indination toward ten:ninati.on of the <br />MINUTESuuuEugene City (\mnc:!l July 18.2005 Page '14 <br />Regular Sei;sion <br />.. -.. ........... ... ... ................................-...--... ---............ <br />