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<br />and KKk care e,fiti; <:itizeni;, He c,)uld not suppol1 the sub::;t:itutc motion. He. thmlked coundkrs Pryor aud <br />Kelly for the work th~y had donc with County Commissioners Green ilnd St.c\.vart to reach a nljddJ.e <br />ground but he did not think further dh;c\;sskm., given how immovabk the two sides bB,d be.cumc, would <br />g<Hn any groun.d, He suggeskxl that the council step back and try to raum to the original propo~ed <br />motion as it allowed "some bre-'-Jthing room" and kX":<'ll control over an enteq:lri::;e zonx~. <br />Coundlor Kelly darUkd that C\mncilor BettmB;n'~ motion did not i>uggest terrn:ination of the zone unlcs~; <br />the C01..mty would not ag.we to the per j()b cap, He also wishcd to point out that, thnugh the City did not <br />hand money to a company pe, joh, it was lost :rcvenm:~, He. said whether one ha:!l(kd the money to a <br />company and it djd not give it back or whethei it WilS not handed tht) m{)nx~y in thelJrst p!acz":, it was lost <br />revenue. He said it was. only lo:.,t ievennc if the company kit the community entirely if it did m>t re--::ei ve <br />the dollar. <br />Mayor Piercy predicted a tie vote. Shc stn:~i;sed the impO!i:anc,~ of having an enterprise zone that worked, <br />hut. ;,:,he aw:ncd the lOl1<:: before the council was no 10ng(T the '.zone we si!:-,'ned up for." She!'C;~alkd that <br />wb:.n the councl1 voted to move tmvard terrninatiou becau:"e the County Com.mbsis:.m.e.ii> decided not to <br />accept the ime.rim standards pa.sscd by the COUl1i;:~U, she was uw;:ertain she \vould 11"vi:: vot<.'d to terminate at <br />that point had the voteb;:en a t1(;\ She rd.ated thaI. she asked coundlors Pryo, and Keny to meet with thi:: <br />two connnisi;ioners bec.ause :.:;he thought ttK~ enterprise zone wa" too good to N::rminate. She thanked <br /> Crec:!l and Stewart tix their willingness to meet with the toundbr::;. She said the first <br />ii;suc had been about thz~ num.ber on t1w job capi; and the cOlindlors were willing to nHtke snme lnovement <br />on that. She s"id the next issue, had heen the possibility of <1tl. optional waiver on the caps and it w"s <br />thought that there could be agreemen.t on this. She staled that the commi,sdoncrs cr::Jkd out the "retentkrn <br />piece," though it had not been s\lt~jed {{) discu::;sion previOUSlY, She had thought the agreement had been <br />n;~~H;;hed. Howevei, she returned to work .and the cormn.lssi(mers tosi>ed (mt thc rz~tcnt!()n p;;\rt i)f the <br />agreement. Ikcaus.) of this, s.he supported Councilor Bdtman'8 motion t;;! reaffirm the 1;;()uucH ':.:; <br />com:mitment to it-> original agrccnwnt. She predicted that the City and County could ::;tin have its <br />entel.1xi::;e zone. <br />Cm.m.dlor Solomon as.b:~d what thc legal hnplic~!tiow.; of Councilor lkttmrm.'~; motion Wi::re. City AUnmey <br />Klein. explained that should the motion pHSS, people would be able to fik applications for the enleqxi::;e <br />zone because it would he in dn.~ct until the daw spl;~cifled. Sh{juld there he no motion to di.s,~ontimK the <br />r.errnmation, the City Mmuger would be required to take steps to terminate it He wai> uw.::ertaln how long <br />this would take. <br />Councilor Sol.on:1011 remarked that nothing in the moHnn encouraged the council to w;,Hk with the County. <br />Rather, she said, it seemed the motion was an uhimatum to the County to ''"gd on bOi.!.rd." or the City 9lould <br />walk a,,vay, <br />Councilor HeUman. re~tated th.) motion. <br />Counc:ibr SOlomon askcd if the council had not j1..lSt learned in the Executivc Session that it was not <br />possible to make i;uch a mntinn, City Manager "faylor respond(:d th;;lt h.) w;;mId travel to Salem and ask <br />the interim di.rector to re<::():!1'S.ider th~ npplk<ttion b{X<UJse he bdleved the St.ate bid e:m~i in :it~ designation. <br />Thi" would be the hCi>t iXlUr::;e of action, that the State l'C;;:onskkr and then the City \Ilould not. be subjcct to <br />lxdng bmred from suhmitting fut:url'5 I'5nf.l'51-prhe zonf applicatiolls- He said tht: City st.aff vlonJd wurk <br />toward t<..~nnination on the bai;is ofiti; lncon:d::;tence \vith the application thc City submitted, He telt face- <br />'\OflNUllS.....Eugene City Comu.::i1 July 18,2005 Pave 16 <br /> <":' <br />Regular Se::;sion <br />--...........: .............................:..... ... ..............................................................................................-..-......... <br />