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<br />mkrprise mnc \vo\:!d he detrimentul to tb:~ applk~ition and thtun.:: applications. He funy suppmt.ed <br />Re~.wbti<m 4849 and hoped it w<mld be roUowedby a n:.solution to ~;pp()int t\V() councilor::; or th<;~rv1ayor <br />and a cnuncilor to meet with the Lane Board of (\mnty Commis::;ioners to H:,sOl-Ve the iS~?'\..les, <br />Mayor Piercy carled fbr a s€'x.~{)nd round of CQrmnents. <br />Cou.ndlor BeHnHm averred that the hoihxl down to th;;:: new to "uphold contracts" a:Hd that the City <br />made a contract to apply under "certain drcUlmtanccs'. and. the County ah'Te'.:d to it, She opined that <br />people who did not "want to uphold and honor ttm;:;e contrads" caned fbr more discm,;::;i~vL She felt that <br />on.e did not go hack and r~negot.iate tlJ3,:: terms of a Gontract after onc had the job, <br />Councilor Hdtman ai;ke<.l if Hynix would H..'X;eivc, under the rctention stamb.rds, tax hreak;; ba5:'ed on both <br />the existingjob5:' for whkh it had. already received a tax incentive and thc new jobs 'Nhen it reapplied t~:H' ;;t <br />ne'Yv factory in the enterprise zone <m.d only cn;.ated 50 johs though it \~:a::\ a $2 billion investrn.ent. Denny <br />Braud, (.If the Planning and Devdopnwnt DepartnK:n.t replied that 11ynix wDdd have to innea::,e its <br />em:plnyn:\l;nt by "10 percent to be. eligible br the program. lIe explained thai given that the plant employed <br />900 pe<;)pk, it would have w gl::nerate at least 90 new joh::; to meet the bask eligibility criteria. <br />O:n:mdbr Hdtrmm surmised that Hynix c.ould re6;lve t~iX <x....'"'<.hb tOr both existing and new job::" She felt <br />thl.':: comp<m.y would be '\k!Ubk~dipril1g." Me Braud undCn'i).;Of<..-'d that credits would be baf,ed on the <br />new job:~ created, Councilor HeHman re~.;p(}nded that this was not her question, <br />O:mtinuing:, CouJ1;.>ilor Dettman averred that her !Hot!OI1 did nut diminB.te the enterprisc Z011e bot Hitbe.r <br />endorsed .a zone that she thought would be workab-k Hnd a benefit {;;; bU:5inesse:". She did not think the <br />connrmnity was in. favor of"un!im:ited benefits" for busiw::sses. She hd.iz~ved th~ ixnnmun:ity w.mted <br />as~:urancc that tax doHars a:n.d pttblic seivices would he protect.:'>:} through this pnxx:ss. She pointed out <br />tlwt the jobs being considered 'w'erz~ "just rnanufaz::tu:fing jobs." She did not think aU of the cconomk <br />devdopment dollars should be channeled this. She asb:~d how nlldl taxpayer~, wanted to pay per job-. <br />Councilor Taylor sai.d. 8;11. <;~nkrpri::;e zone was not the only way to create jobs or attn!d businesses, She <br />th<.mght t:lH:-:rC wen:~ other way::; whelp bUSlrv;.:i;ses that did not Heed t,.l be restr:kkd to manufacturers, Sh~ <br />opil:1\.~d th~t good companies go to communities :fi)t reasons other than tax breaks, <br />Councihr Pry()r pointed Z)ut that the motion m1 the table continued to try to knninl1te the enterprise zone, <br />\'\Ihkh he did not see as reaffirming its valucC. He suggested th~t the way h) reafEr.m ~.mch an incentive <br />would be to figure out how to mak<;~ it work, tk~ said the cOlmdl COiXK'. ;;-to~.;e to arri.ving ~1t local <br />standards and pointed o'ut that pie-':lently the City had !l{) such standards, Fie underscored tb<.i.t for whatcver <br />time period the enterprise zone was in effect with no standards, SOH1eone co~!id apply and, whcth<;T the <br />City picked up the application or Hot, the ";n[!lHl~mdaid:~" {i.e., State standards) w'ou.ld ~pply. He st.ressl.'::d <br />the i.n:1portance of stt.-Tpil1g hs,ck .and rrmint.aining tb:": discllssionwith the County, adding thai hc could not <br />:5ee that thi::; would. occur while the coundl \lias sUE making an. eHurL tu tem1l:nak the. zorw, <br />Councilor Poling reiterated that no ont; wai; asking taxpayers to pay for jobs 3;nd no one. was giving any <br />tax money ({) companies. He wished to u:ndcrs;~ore that the enterprise Zl:Jrle. pmvkkd tax exemption::; on <br />impn..we.ments to an existing site only, He z::omrnentcd he did not vlish to be part ot'the legacy thaL <br />t{)ok perhi~ps the higgest and be~t ~~c011omic tool ont ofthe toolho.x and tos$cdit away beGHlBe of"one <br />stkking point with t.he Comity," He ,<mid to thnnv away the [~nkrpri~.;e zone would be devastating to the <br />bUBinc$,s community, He felt sw::ha.jettbon would smd a bad nl<:)ssage on how the City treated husine% <br />MIN1TfFSmmEugene City Couneil 18. 2005 Page i 5 <br />Regular Session <br />___n____.__>>_____...... <br />