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<br /> AT'l'ACUMENT A <br /> 1\fINLTES <br /> City Council <br /> Regular Session <br /> (\.mncH Chamber--uuCity HaH <br /> July 1 S, 2005 <br /> 7;3n p.lJL <br />CODNCILORS PRESENT: Georg<;: Pc,ling, Jennifer Sokmlon. Bonny BetLnmn, David Keny, Gary <br /> Pape, Chris Pryor, Bdty Taylor, Andrea Ortiz. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Fien:.:y convened. the meeting of the City Cound.l. <br />1. PUHLIC FORUM <br />Mayor Piercy vlelcomed cv,~ryon<~ to the City Councilllwc1ing and observtd that 18 people signed up tbr <br />the Public Forum. <br /> Councilor Kelly, seconded by Cou:ndkr Taylor. moved to hold the PubJ.kForam fnr Sf)" <br /> m.inutes, giv'Cn the. numher ofpwpk \vho wer{~ Signed up to $p<;~Hk. RuE call vote; the. <br /> motion pai;~.;ed ummimou::;ly. 7:0. (Cmmdlnr Solomon had not yet reached the dais,) <br />Coundbr Solomon arrived, <br />M~1yor Pier<:;y n::vkwed the rule~.; of the Public Forum, <br />G. ScottPurcdl, 3425 St.rathmore Plac~\ $poh~ in sl,.;pport of the proposed enterpris;;:: zone. He stated that <br />he waB <1 (:ertiued Public: i\cCOl..Hlbnt and Chief Financial Offwer for two mid..sizd busine;,;se~.;. He said <br />that the hmntr zone created rnore than 1,500 new jobs l-i)r the (xmnnunity and helped a sign.W.c;;int nUluher <br />of ::;n,a11 and mid.dzed businesscs expand and becolne more ::;tuble- He urged the c;;!\mdl to adopt the <br />resolution before thew_. He underscnwd that the businesses that utilized enterpriBe zone incentiv~~ h,-clped <br />to fo::;kr a mnre lucrative tax l);;1s(~ for the City of Eugene; tho~.:;e tax.e::; helped to pay fer City servkes. He <br />~kcla:rcd that by enco1.;raging new inveMments today, the zone ,Jo<kd money to the City coffers <br />"tOnlnfW\V," a "wise fH1aneial ,kcisiol'," <br />MT'. Purcell asked th{~ council to be thnughtt\d when considering whctlK1' to rev;:ard existing businesses as <br />weE as new busine;,;se::; for Lhe jd)s they provided. He o-pincd that a t~filurt to t<1ke into account. the <br />existingjobs would be disrespt;::ctlul to existing hu::;inesses "that create this gn:~at cornrmmiLy we live in" <br />andwnuld en~oHrage them to !cave. l-k said the resolution appearoo to he a compromise between. the <br />County and the City Hnd urged. the omndl to <<:~top pointing the finger ~t Lane County, ,. He noted the <br />Cormiy agreed to a mOfe restrict<;:d map, joh ql,.;aJity standards, Hnd made head.way on the eap, He asked <br />the council to work with the Lane JJoard of Count.y f.:o!lll:n:issimwrs and stop LHking i.KtlnnS that "irnpair <br />our reputation" and put the cmnmunity at economic risk. He hoped the councH woutd work with the <br />Gnvernor'B vision fbr Gregm1 an.d not operat(~ in a vacuum. He lXlinLed out that the City of Eugene had <br />$~Jeguafd$ with respect to the environment and it::; quality of Efi.~. <br />MINUTES------Eugene City Council hily 18, 2005 Page 1 <br /> Regular Sei;sion <br /> .. n. n. ........................................... ........ .............. <br />