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Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 09/12/05 Mtg
Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
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9/7/2005 2:59:36 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Mayor Fiercy aektlOwkdged that Lan;::: County Conunlssionus Hobby Green and Faye Stcwart were in <br />att;.:~ndan<:e, <br />H h (' Ad 1401 E T,th ~ 1 h '." . e<.l n <br />{} . A1SSl Y, . ~a&t ~ it- vcnu,~, <:ommente( t .at on H8 surtace,We enlelTmse zone ,>e<:m" . l. :.C a <br />'.win-win sHuati<m" l:Kcaus<;~ it::; purpose Vlas to create j(}bs and pmmoti;) growth, thereby incrc<l8ing <br />revenues for the City. He asked, then" why it had not wOl;kezt He fcH i;uch zs:me.s forced growth and <br />;~au:.;ed more expz~nses tha:n revem.w 0, that the bent~fits werc going ebewlwre, He .averrcd that johs <br />provided. in Eugene pften were takG1 hy pe()pk v(ho live ill outlying eomrmmiLies, lIe alleged that haLf of <br />the citizens in Springfidd and 72 percent of the population of Veneta worked in Eugenc. He opined that <br />the County shl>u1d help pick HP th{~ tab f()r "fo!"<:e.d growth" in the city of Eugene, He recognized that the <br />County did not have all i;)x.eeSi; of funds, though it \vould be more possihle if a n{~w publk s.Hfdy district <br />was approved, He semartnld that after an the years of growth, fh,) city of Eugene ccmld n~)t afford. to <br />mai.ntain its streds., ~(rnong other things, He said thc enteqrri::;e lone ,vas not a "'whH'lln f(}r everybody," <br />D KI' 'ill 94f \V l",th ^ 'd h . j " 'ki' I" . , <br />on emsfll.l'" . . J 'est :::> j'W{lnue. sm . e "vas t1re~ or pK' ng up tne ta) for an en.terprisc lxme <UK! <br />urged the council not to ::;uppOrf. it. He Obsl;:rved that the zone required ,{ wagc of $9 per hour aud. t.his ,<vas <br />less than what he was m~tl-dng on the day he retired 18 y<:-ars earlk:r, He fdt the en1(~rpris~~ zone ,vas. <br />'''giving things a\vay" Wht:il dK City could not aff~}fd to adeqnatdy fund its police and -fire departments. <br />He ass~rtcd that the City sh<.mld not give tax breaks to bu~'(ineS5es. He s.aid the City had givcn "tho\is~mds <br />in ta~< hre~tl'i$ to Jean Tate - t{l creak what't. He ;;tdded that when he moved to Eugene it had a population <br />of 14,000 and was a nicc Wtlc city, <br />L~Hl{}nna Cadisle, 120 North S<;~ne\:".a Street, assistant to the president of Gloryhee fwds, stated that the <br />company 5ta!t<.:::d in 1975 out. of a garage at a reskh;:nCl;~ on River Road aud. had grown to a company thut <br />elnployed 90 peopl.e. She said th<;~ growth vms direc.tly M.tributabk to outsidefinandal help a::; the <br />company never had sufficient capital to "grow the busintsi;:' She recalled. thut. the companyboHowed the <br />down payment ror its property from a business as::;ocia{e in. 19S7 and was then able to exp<md thrz..>e <br />difT<;Tent timet'> through bans 6\1n1 the bank tIS wen as. the tax~exempl statu:,; provi.ded by th(: (:nterpri.t'>e <br />zone. She averred that the tax exeruption l"l(:.i1itated the reduction of capital needed to continue to grow <br />the bU8lneS5_ She i;tres:,;ed that verification ofthe company's suct.ess wai; on record as the enterprisc .',7},:me <br />required reporting. She reit<;~mted that the tax exempt investrn.ent bend'It wa~; a major component <br />of the enterprise zone proposal and would f1:K~tor into a deds.ion to be madc by h{-)r company on its next <br />huilding site. She un.derscored that the busine:,s would prefer k) renmin in El,!gene. She related that <br />Glorybet Foods intended to huild a $6 million dollar phtnt and <mtkipated a 20-percenJ inerease in the <br />number of employees. Sh~" bdkv-.:xl that susl~tinahle economic ineentives brought about by an enkrpri:,e <br />zone \vmdd provide impwved wage and ht.'lldit 8tandm:ds to thc ;~ommunity ~md could mppmi business <br />prosperity whiJ.e protecti:ng thc ciwironmenL She reitemte<.l that the renewal of the zon.c would be of great <br />assistance in the pn;jeded expi.ln~.;ion ofCHorybee Foods. <br />r4ike Clnrk. Che,YI Street, thanked th{~Mayor and coundlori; for th;;;ir service, <br />Mr. Clark o\}:.,erved t.hat a signifkantportion of the reservt.foryrevenue sh()rttl~ll had been used in the last <br />t'rLKlget cyck in order to gd the budget to hablKe. He said th(: six..year Gmmcial Ib,ecast indicated the <br />rest:-:!'ve.for-revcnUi;) shortlan would be depleted in two tn three years. He was concerned that scnding a de <br />./acto lnessage that the City was not interested in cmnpanies growing in west Engi:~ne would discourage <br />Uynix SerniyConductor Incorpomted ftom expanding. lk ni)ted that Hynix c:urrently paid six percent of <br />City tax revenue. He noted that other hUi;ine::;se::; wercl(l~lking to expand ~md if they chose to go <br />MINUTES-Eugenc City Conndl July 18, 2005 Page 2 <br />Regular Session <br />. ... ................................_.. u................ <br />
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