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<br />imtaUing w1tyside horns. lvfr- Larsen said ,~on1*) monitoring could bc undt.riaking to ascertain if <br />wayside homs were iw:ked dlb;.;tivc, Hc conduded therc was a p:roc~:., in t.he federal register <br /> aUows Hlkmatives SUdl as \.vayi;ide homs to he. upgraded when additional research was <br />undertaken, 'Mr. Kelly noted that wayside horns were directed to traftk 1wd therefore have. less <br />effect on ndghhorhood~.;. <br /> Ivk PnUng. seeonikd by Ms, Tuykr, move,:l to diret::( sUltfto monitor the etlbtts <br /> of ot.her jurisdktioHi; in their eff<:H1S to obtain quiet. zon<~s under the Rii;k Index <br /> with Horns criteria until such time ;;is an impkmentation and ~-:Ogt history \Vu.s <br /> devdoped. <br /> Mr. Kelly, sL''{xmded by Ms. Bl:::ttrnan, umved to amend tht.motion to direct the. <br /> City J\.:bnager to tlneylune quiet lone cost estimates and construction uptioni;, <br /> using intcrnal and ex.ternal knnwlcdge resources. and tD consider funding <br /> alternative:." including private sector partid:pation. <br /> .Mr. .Pap';) otkreJ. a friendly ame.ndment, accepted by thehody, to dire\-,:t the City <br /> to re:.,ea:n:;h if th(~ comhinations of islands and quads \Y<;TC ttnahle, and. <br /> il.Hther, to direct th,~ City Manag-er to identify funding sour;;es and costs for a <br /> qlUtd gate and island and asce.rtain if resources we!'C .av<.lilah1e in the 2006/07 <br /> budget cydc to und<:Ttake such. a project with thc ink'nt of moving forward with .a <br /> quiet zoncifl. the, The amendmcnt passedmwnimously. <br /> Then1Gt!on pas$ed un.animou::;ly_ <br />C, \VORK SESSION~ ImpkmentatlQu ~)fMin.>o..l.)se ( Developmeut <br /> Program <br />A11enLowe of the andDeve1opmentDcpartm;;;~tlt stated that staff \VUS seekjng council <br />c.onfim1atiol1 of prog:r-,;im consistency wjth growth management policies, He then proceeded with <br />H PowuI\)int pr<:~sentation referencing staff materials. oHMixed-the CentersfNoda.l Ikvelopr.u<:.nt <br />and spokc to the lDUowing: <br /> L History of Mixcd.Use in D, <br /> '-l ty.nxed~Us~~ Development Essential Charackristics <br /> .;., <br /> ." Specific .i'\n:"-<! Planning Pmjt..'Cts <br /> .:L <br /> 4. Priority N(jdes <br /> S. Pending P.wjed.s <br /> 6, Le:.,sons Leamed <br />Me Lmve summarized his. presentatiouwith the followin.g points: <br /> '* Tb:::Mixedythe PmgmlJl 'Nas consistcnt with adopted, <br /> . Work in PfOb'1W,S rcquires the. City to aili!pt and be flexihk <br /> . The City must be wilJing to e.xperiment with different apprmwhes. <br /> . ('hanges win oc<;;ur in<;-rementally and over- a kmg period of time, <br />Mayor Piercy ca11ed fbr a first round ofcomrnents and <-pestlons. <br />MiNUTES.....-Bugene Cit.y Coun.cil July 20, 2005 Page :5 <br /> Work Session <br /> .......... ... ... ... ...................................................................................................................................................:.....:...................................... <br />