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<br />M.. Kelly thanked~.fLLowe for the background materials and subsequ\::nt <br />pre::;eni.ationA He stated hc remains ;;onmliUed to mixed-use devebpment and densifkatirJrl.. Mr. <br />Kelly beHcv<)d that the m(yre economkal approach and quality of life was den~;ity; however, he <br />strt:;sMXl that this direction needs to don;;":: right. He opind that part of the pwbkrn with this <br />projz,x;t has been. the lack ofpolitical \viU, and noted the ::;low progress to date. Mr. Kelly s.<tid, <br />howev;;:~r, that the L.<md Us.e Code Update cbmg\.-"tl i.he direction in a p.;)sitiveway to t~tc:i!itate the <br />sort of development under discussion. In Gon.<:hl$ion, Mr. Kelly stated that opportunity siting <br />provided swffwith a fl:)cused direction from the coundl aud was br on:'"the-ground <br />change .and eomnnmity partkipation. <br />M:}. Be.ttman concurred with the comrnents e::>rpres.'>(ld byi.v.k KeLly ,'l;nd stated ~he cuuld endorse <br />the pnx;ess to move [{m^!{'1.rd but could n.ot endorse the gencral scope of the prognlm, She asked <br />staff to denrH;~ a "rnixed-use cenkr" and a "rnixed..usc zonc:' Mr. Low<~. rt:;sponded that the <br />^'zm1e" \Va5 the spechk tool utilized to ereale the center; the "center" was. the phy:,;ica.l <br />manikstath;m. <br />Ms. Dettman noted that the original concept fbr mixt"tl-nse cent(~rs "vas based on transit-oriented <br />development and a requlrem~'tlt ofthose centers was frequent tmm~it acct:S$. Shcpnintd out that <br />currently, the Lane '"[mnsH District (LID) has cut btlck on transit aceeSi; and H)cu~,ed on Uti:..; <br />Rapid Tnmsit (BRT); ttwrdore, she pcdnkd (}Ut that tht:; center::; would nnt realize :mch transit <br />~;ervice for many decade~" lYh. Bettman urged that :4ai'f fbens on the changed realities as t.hc <br />pnJl;;CSS moved forward and to devdop a practical modd for the next 10..20 years. She opined <br />thr:1:t adding density to a mixed~used ccnter without frequent tmnsit aco;~ss W<t:) wunteryprQ<.h.lCdve <br />to the City'3 goals. <br />I\-fr. Pryor askcl for dariGcatinn fwm Ms. Bettman if it wa::; her wi::;h that <.lPpOnUnlty siting be <br />incorporatd, or substituted, into :..;cnne of the sub~.:;tautive worK. 'rvis. Bettman reptled that. <br />opportunity siting would. be used as {1. pr1mary tool for achieving density She elaborated that <br />rath~~r than zoning an cntire residen.tial area as a way to achieve density, the density WOUld be: <br />achieved by opportunity siting, My, Pryor stmY:clsed that staff already recognized and would: <br />incoqx.lratc into the neighhorhood. devebprnent strategy ~mch a component. tit \VM~ noted that <br />s.taff vmu.ld make 11 pre::;entation on how this strategy cmJd lx" achiev(~d: at an upeomi:ng C.'ity <br />(\mncil WfH;k scssion.) <br />In re~,p(}n.::;e to a question trOtH tv1ayor Piercy,t~fr. Lowe replied that how to adl1eVe density and <br />maintain the quality of eXlstin.g neighbodlooda woul.d be cardillly considered, He explain{:-.d that <br />discowry of how t;) satis(y SOUK of the. ti.mdam<:ntah l)fservi<~\::s, op<:n space, tYP<)8 ofhousbg, <br />HHhn.bhilitywill result in a vt:;ry rich mix. <br />;\layo.r Piercy thanked start for pn~senting this i:'>sue to t.he n.eighhorhoods. She spe~ificat1y <br />prai.sed the Whiteaker ndghborhood for setting a Hnt: to other nei.ghbod10ods on <br />achieving mixed"l..lses dlh~tivdy, <br />'fYh 'faybr stated that the ClJITtmt density proposal:.-; were inappropriate in many areas of Eugene. <br />Shz~ urged staff to consider such den::;lty in suitabk a.reas Taylor pointed out that <br />houses W(i'C being built on vacant lots that "wre totally om of chamcwr with the neighborhood. <br />She then turned to the ernployment and ;;;OJnHlercial eeHters and pointed out that the::;e center~ <br />tontinue to be under discussion.Ms, Taylor question~-0 how an employment or tOB:ll:nerdal <br />MINln'E~Eugene City Cmmdl Jnly 20, 2005 Pag(~ 6 <br />Work Session <br />..................... <br />