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<br /> ATTACII:MENT C <br /> MINUTES <br /> Btpcn ~ City ('oun .,'1 <br /> > ,~ ' .C ......... "~' \.;1 <br /> Work Se~;,;ion <br /> McNutt Room------Eugene CityH.aJ.! <br /> 25, 2005 <br /> 530 p,m. <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: George Poling, Jenni:f(:r Sok,1n.(w, David Kelly, Betty Taylor, Gary Pape, <br /> Andrea Ortiz., Ou'is Prynr, Bonny Heitman. <br />P{)LICE COr\1MISSION; 'l'imL;H;}e, Angie Sifl..lentez, John Brown, C.arla Newbre, Maurke <br /> Delmer, John Ahk~n <br />Her Hnn()r }..'layor Kitty Piercy caHed the July 25 work session ofth,~ .Engen,;: City Council to order. <br />A, COMMITTEERKPORTS AND ITEMS OF lNTERES'IFROM MA V'OR, CITY <br /> COUNCIL AND CITYMANAGJ.;R <br />MavorPi.ercv,~d that Eugens: had been named dne of the best waHdrm (:itie:<. in America hv th,,, <br /> ..J''' ~ .: ........ .. . " <br />.American Podiatric Medk,-tl Association, She ah,o mentkll)edthat A~.;si~.;tant City~~1anagG Jim Ca:r1son <br />and cnnsulwni Joshua Proudkll:',t had written ,-m article entitled "Managing a;nd Reporting Sustainabi1ity <br />Progres8 in City Opemtions" that was featured in t.he SpbngiSmnmer editkm of SustaiN magazine. <br />\fr. Pryor rcpork,.i thut <'ll.lring- the July 2l, 2005, meetiri;g of t.he La:ne Metro Partneri;hip, an increa:"c in <br />activity among smal1er G.H:opnnies kKJlx:en reported and that the rec:reallonal vehicle industry 1,V.aS now a <br />slightly brger cmployer in tht:. area than \-\'{}od prodnds. He Baict the partnership was <xmLinuing towol'k <br />with Mole(:tdar Probes and \ViHiams Bakery on their rdoeatlons. He said employers were beginning to <br />experience (l shmtage. of s;-:mployabk people, whkh emp.hasized th,,, :im.portance of linkages between. <br />employment and training, He annmmced th;:lt ;;::mployrnltnL award~.; v{ould he prei?,ented at a luncheon on <br />August 2.5, 2005, at ths;-: Valley River ImL <br />tyls. ReHman reminded residents in wards 1 and 2 that tbe Mayor's Ot1<;:.on--one wnversation would he <br />held on July 2(j at Market iJf Choki:: on 291h Avem.le and\VillameUe Stn..>cL <br />Ms. Ortiz described a recen.t report by thcmV AHiaHeeHo the Lane Cmmty Hunmn Services (:ommissi.on, <br />She said the. alEance 'was cutting its nctXlk exchange program and u::ling Hmitcd {(sources to provide <br />insurance for people who wen:: H.rV~positive inste<!d of prevention i;ervke~'L She said the ncedk excha:ng(~ <br />program. cost $ t 40,000 mmually and was too expensive to bz~ c.ontinued, She not<;:d Hwt the alliance <br />reponed no lW\V cases of HI V among youth and Mk<,x:l anyon.e \vith i;uggestkms on how to maintam <br />prevention programs to contact the allianc.e. <br />!vIs. OrtiJ.~ reponed that she spoke at Lan,~ C\rmmu.n:ity (}oLkg,~ (Lee) youth emprn.<;enm:::nt classes for <br />drUdren of color and encuuragedYGung people to becorne involw'd in the pohtical pwce::;:", a::; ~Ndl as to <br />consider mcd.ical and puhlic s.atdy careers, She ::;aid th<lt Fire Chief'fom Tallon w.<'!S sending a repre:.->enw- <br />tive to the d.aBsCB to foHow up with i.nterested students. .. <br />MINUTES..... Eugene City Council July 25, 20n5 Fag;;:: 1 <br /> Waik Scssion <br />