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<br />[VIs. Ortiz related that she would be cOfilPeLing in the Rdav for lAc at Lee zwer th,;, .xnn:hlr!. \veekend and <br />. A ~. <br />invited everyone to attend the graud opening of the Santa Clara Fire Station on July 30" 200S, She MSi) <br />noted that the Lane Indept'TI.dcnt Living Allbnc~~ \,'ol,.i!d prcsent a play Z)Xl July1{i and reCGgniz~ Human <br />Rig.hts Commissioner Dwight Souers f~,r his barrier-aware.ness effnrts. She thanked the .Eugene Lihmr~( <br />for conducting Spanish~1anguage n;~Hdings for youth. <br />~{k rape asked when the City C.:otm<::il wf>ukl addn~ss the iH$.ue of green building:;; certitkatiotL City <br />Man.agi;)f Dennis Taylor re.plied that a work session wa:;; sch(~dtlkd in the faIL <br />ML Papt repeated Ms. Ortiz's invitation to the fire station l'pening in S;;mta Clara. lie reported that he <br />had h.een .attending l"xweti:ngs of the Oregon. Passenger Rail Adviwry C\mncil ((JPRAC) and the legish!ture <br />was worldnglx:hind the &::.enes to res.olve. budgetary issues that remained deadlockezf,He i;aid the critical <br />issue t(x rail was the difference between the How.,e and Senate funding levels. 1-1<:: e.ncnuraged m.)mber~.; t{) <br />i;;ommunkat<;' their support f~,r funding f:)r two tr-.alns. <br />My, Kdly :reported that hcmd with inc01ning Ass.ociate<.l Students of the University of Oregon (1\SUO) <br />president AdarnWa!i;h to disc:u::.;s \VB,yS in which the City and University could work more doseJy <br />togdhec He encoumgz'>,i involvt'weut of the University in the arts and outdoors initiative ai; it was an <br />important player in hoth areas, H.e said that few membcrs of the general puhlk: (l,tl;.;nded University (~Venti; <br />that WGe opcn to them and hoped that the publie's awareness of those e'vcnts could be rais.xL <br />1',11::>. 'faylor commented that one ofth.; reaSC)Jl.s people did rll.t go to University tu.nGtlon.s "' the lack of <br />parking, She i;aid a mil. Hnc from downtown to the University would enable people to travel back and <br />forth hetween dUWTl.k)W11 and t.he campw.;. <br />\-ifs. 'faylor said a recent phone can .from a repre~;entati ve of the Obsidians ra.ised the is;:,rl!.:') "f th~~ rigidity <br />of some of t.he City's regulations and ch%itl<;;ation of a group as a business when it V,ias not a busines~;. <br />She said tht: Obsidians wankd to remodel and slightly expand its lodge hut regulations required differe:nt <br />fire preventkm meai;ures that might prcvent the expamkm. Shc said the group Vl<'lS told it wm:dd need <br />sprinkkrs and a reSef'lOlr, Shc .ash~d if there >;.vas ,'my Hexibi1ityon such requirements when the planned <br /> wa::; mini1naL She i;aid she "vas remimkd d' the Gard.en Cbb 'vvhidi wa:, also elas$ified as a <br />business and noted that neither th(~ Obsidians nor the (iarden Club existed w mah: money, <br />Me Poling i"aid h,;~ rect::ntly uttended a H).<::eting relatz..>d to the Sorrd Way traffic c[;hning P,(~jec-tHe said <br />that the meeting was weH..attcnded and City Haff did a W,od job of outlining options in it:;; presentation <br />and taking fix'xlback. He ~.,aid another rne<ting waH planned in S.:pt<:mbe, 2005. He said he planned to <br />attend .<! Cal Young Neighbors meeting on Jury 28, 2005, at the Sheldon Community Center und called <br />attention to th;::: third armud Tvluhicul.tHml Fci;L1val occurring at the center on August 2, 2005. <br />('ity 'i'dauaget Taylor agreed with .ML KeUy' s comments r~~gt:rding greuter opportun;itkSt(t involve the <br />Unive-ri;ity, not. only in the arts and outdooc~ dfort to build on the ~<<l<lyor' s theme of a watkabk <br />community. He said that many people did not realize it w.<!s an easy walk from downtown to the campus <br />and he trequentlywHlked to the Un.h;T~rsity fiJrmeeting::;, vlhieh i3-lso solved any parking pn:ib1cm he rnight <br />encounter, <br />MINOTES.-.....Pngene City (\ouncE July 25, 2005 .Pa~;e 2 <br />Wo,k Session <br />