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<br />rz~po!t~~d that pt!tting ove,sight unz'h::T the City 1\-1anager zxmk'i be ju:;t a;,; political as putting oversight l..mdt)r <br />the City Council. He a.iso noted that the council, as a muhiype,son body, provkkx.i checks a.nd halances <br />that a singk individual could not. <br />Mr, Papt clarified that he was in suppm1 of a banGt mCflBure ior the civilian review board, but his conc(.'ffi <br />was wifh whcn'. the auditor should report. He ~.;aid he v\.'as not yet convinced that the auditor should report <br />tu the counc!.l and. more thought should be given to that rnaUer.He noted that at ka:;t one of the cities <br />hst;;~d by M~;;. HeUman did n.ot have a city rnanager fi:)D:n of gove:rnrnenL He rerninded flK: i.~ounl;:H that in <br />100 I., the Ch.arter Review Cmnmis~;ion exan.1incd the current city managi.~r form of fwvernment and <br />;;dfirmed that it wa~ the appropriate governance structure tor the community. He said the {xtm:mb;i;iQH' s <br />ProIK}Sal would change the basic of t.t'K: way the City operated and a 90uminuk di~.usi;ion "vas <br />inadequate for that decision.. <br />Ms. Bettmiln said the council would not be making the ded~ion ab-out stmctural dw.nge; the voters would <br />decide if thcy \lianted a ne\v WilY of overseeing polio;:: functions. She said that having the kgi.sbtive <br />branch over~ee the auditor {m(l civilian revie>.;<; hoard would provh:k the key piece z)f ~trud.ural i.ndq:H::nd. <br />enc.~ that 'Nai;misi;ing. She asserted thM an auditor and a police chief who were in the sa.rHC <;hain of <br />comrmmd. wew unlikely to disagree. <br />!'dayor Piercy spoke ofhcr great re;,;peet "f{")r the City Mani:;ger and hii; role. She said. :.,he l:wd given <br />considerahle thought to hoth a:ppnxlChe~ and, while it wml1d be ::;impler an.d less e.xpensive to move <br />1.()rward \vith the city manager approach, she Hswn,:d t(:; the people whose advke was ~olkited and would <br />support the structural independence of the ~\utUtnr and review board in order to rehuild trust in the <br />cmnmu:n:ity, She wouId i;upport ,-w. independt..'Tlt auditor and. revi\:w board. <br />Referring tot-"h Bcttman's remark.; about three dty managers taiHng to implement amodd \vhen <br />problems were occurring, tvk Poling noted: that the council had nGt acted to direct. the C:ityManager to <br />bring ibnvard a proposal (:hh'~L He sai.d therewa~ an oppmtunity to vote to din;:ct the City~4anager to <br />h.~gin the proCe.Si; and;;s the con~{:ms of peopk with compbinti;. He wa;,; concernL"f.l ubont fhe legal <br />i~;;:'>Ue::; surrounding the ;:;:oundl's hiring of an auditor and subjecting an auditor to nine sllpe:rvbors, He Jdt <br />it would be a cleHner and qukker proCto"SS to direct the (.:ity lvfanagt;T to begin the proce~s now. He Mked <br />if there had heen any pol.1ing to d.;;::tennine whether '-\ baEot measure wa~. hkdy kl pas,,,. Me Laue said he <br />was not aware of Hny po!L <br />Mr. Pohng, sZ:.-'0ondcd hy Ms. Solomon, moved tD di.rect the City Mauager to bring <br />back to the council a} a proposed Charter A1nen.d:ment to authorize: a n:view buad <br />conslstt.c'nt with the Pdi{.)c Commission propo&:d hut not incJ.ude in the proposed <br />Charkr ;\.mendment the appointlJlent of the auditor by fh;:;: i.~ounCn, and b) a reso- <br />lution or ordinance caHing an ekction en the Charter Amendment for a Noven:"!hc.r <br />1005 eh:~ction. <br />l\:k Poling :noted thaI if thc Jnotion l.!assed it did not mean there would not he an auditor; it nKam that tbx~ <br />City Manage, would trl.()ve forward with hiring an auditor- <br />Mr. Reily, seconded by Ms. HeHman, moved to amend the rnotkm with a suhsti- <br />tute motion to direct the City lVtanager to bring back to thi:: ,~oundl .at i.ts i\ugust 8, <br />"}}' - .. i Ch \' ' '1 ; P r <br />:...t l.J), rneetmg a) a pmpose{ ; after.f :me:n(lm.ent ;.~onslSt<~nt Wit "1 tne 0 l:;:".e <br />Comn:tission proposal, and b) a re~;;obtion or ord.inance calling a:n dection on thc <br />C~ha!tef Amendmcnt tor a November e1edirm. <br />MINCTES-.....Eugene City Council July 25, 2005 .Page <} <br />Work Session <br />....................... ... ....... ............................................................................................................... ..................... <br />