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<br />mayor to appoint a broad sedkm of the \.xmmmnity M a lKnn:inatiag or :..;creening ;;:ommittee~ although that <br />W<t~.; not 6b1igatory. fIe i; the intent was to ensure that the ovmi~~ht board was :not pohtidzed or <br />(~onstituent";hased, but hased. purdy 0.n fairness, <br />Ml'. Pape observed th8J the previous baUot l1k.lsure related to an oversight board and not an auditor. He <br />cautioned. the council to re.aUy \:,Qnsider whether it 'vvamed to have employees and the assodah~d <br />:;1..;penri~~ory resp<.m:;;ihiHties, He felt that transparenl;;y ';;:ould be ach:ievi.->d through th.l.c city manager <br />go\''Crn.ance appro<H;;lL <br />.~.fs. Dettman pointoo out that the col..mdl ',vouM onlY h:\\:<:. the auditor ,mo the auditor would he respon::;ihh:: <br />hx hiring and supervising the other staff .she dted !)tiler comr(U,mities thst had an ovcrsight entity that <br />was answerahk: to the lcgisbtive body. In t<;:nn~ of whether the oversight entity sh0dd be administered by <br />the J.egistative or administrative brand} of govz~rnn:lent, ::;he pointed out thi;tt there \v<;xe three ;.;:ityman.agers <br />in on-lcc during the tirne that officers .Magana and Lar.;! were com:mitting 0rim.cs and the model COUld h<'lv( <br /> institm[:d at <my tim~\ butwa$ not. <br />Mr. Pry0.r apprec:iatedMs. Solomon's cO!J<.::ems alxmt thi') implications of a charter amendment and his <br />instind \vas h) he rductant t() opcn a d(y.;::um{~nt as. important .as a charter. He ~id that action i;houtd he <br />thoug,htful and dl aspects coni;idercd, but\.~e.s were extraordinary and it was important to <br />resolw the i:..;sue,~ {!ftrui;t and acc;;mntability. lk Jsked \vhB.t dis<;u~~.;jons thc commi:.,sion. had a,ound OK <br />signifjca:nll.y different impads in tenm of the trust and .a;.;:countahiEty ofthe two gOVi:~mance models. He <br />could i>ee trust ls::;u:cs in b()th approacht-s and wanted to choosc the one that ~Nodd l;:.reaw thcmaximun1 <br /> oftrus.t within the c.ommun:ity, M.r. Lme said it was a diffkult d:is<;ui;:";Jon f\.1f the commissiQ!l and <br />tilt: biggest conccrn about <Amncil involvellient in personnel matters related to making people's Job <br />poEtical; ho\veve" the eommiMion dtim<'ltdy de\:ided tl1M ::;trudmal independence of the a1..!ditor^::; otTice <br />from the dlief executiH~ of the l:uunidpd organization was important. 1k :..;aid there >.,'ere r:i::;ks in both <br />approadles and speculak"f.l that the corml1.ission'<3 ded:"ion Wl1/; influenced by operating in the t;.ontext of <br />}vtaganalLara and the abuse that zwcurt\::d over a period of years. <br />In respow.,e to a req\B::i;t from Ms, Tay!or, Ms. Heuman read the proposed baUd xneai;ure hmguagc: '.ShaH <br />the Eng\.~ne (::lwrter be anleNk:d t(} authorize the c()undl to apfJt!l11t a civilian review hoard and employ a <br />professional poliee auditor?" <br />Ms. Taylor noted that the language did nut ::;pedfy any detail:;; m oblig<!te the council to spedf:ic <'lctions; it <br />asked permission from the votCIS to appz)int and hire, Sh{~ agreed that the puhlk: hearings nKntion<A:l by <br />Ms, Solon-iOn :.,hodd happen <It a later date, along vlith conslderdbk diseui;sion hy thi:: c-oulleil <:md with tl:\<) <br />I;;OlJmmmty. <br />th. Ortiz said her support ofthe ;;:ommi:..;:,ion'g n;CJ~ll11!nendation was not per::;onal with respect to the City <br />Manager' <3 role or tlK P<llice Department and was nd about pb>.::ing blmnc t~x problerns. She said it wa!:', <br />ab(}l..jt putting in pla<;e a ::;ystem. t1wt would ensure tran~paren\:y in the complaint proc\;:ss so. that hcr <br />constituents t:.ould fed there \VaS an 1mbi~sed verson availabk to dis01SS their issues, <br />.Mayor Piercy solkited a i;ecnnd rotmd :of con,m<;;nts. <br />Mr. Kelly said that changes to the structure of gov<::nullent a::.-> represe:ntai by th{~ proposed model. would. <br />take the (;~'1\.:el11el1t nfthe voters of the eniire city, not just a decision by the connciL With rc.speet to <br />tl:wughHhlne:..;s, he &'l,idme!nber:., of the Communities United fhr Hetkr Policing mga:n.ization had becn <br />working i)U the issue '"'for decades, "H.e agn;cd that there WM th~ potential. for poEticizing the proceH:., but. <br /> City Council July 25, 2005 Page 3 <br />\Vork Session <br />-.............................. . <br />