<br />Mr. fmltl.tnnan allegcd that HYlmd.ai, now Uynix, had rcceivcd "iJkgal tax brcab!' He ass0licd that
<br />HyundaL, wb;~n '."lriginally looking at Eugene, walked 'away from Qv,)r $800 rnilUon in tax breaks in the
<br />state ()fOk1ahoma, 1-k nwintaincd that Hyundai enn::;;";: here becatLse of the w~!ter ;::md other factors and not
<br />tax breab, He behevx-xl that many progrm:ns had. been l;;m in on:l;:;:r to gi.ve tax hreaks t;) Byundai,
<br />progmms such a8 the Hmrmn Rights Program and parks and. re.creatkm programs.
<br />ML Immerrnan said that the C:orvaUi8 fund c(H.lpWaS thi;: most '~joyi'ul, pmitive, magical place" to vlork in
<br />Ore.gon. He said he was working to start a f~10d C(!~(yp iuEugene, thinking it ~vould he possible to open a
<br />branch of thc CorvaUis co~op.He sugg<;~i;Led that i:{om~oland Sel;;urity funds could be used to creak a f~10d
<br />co.op, He averred that local food securit.y was a '''huge issue."
<br />Mayor Piercy dos<<i the Public. Forum and ;.:";::dled for queSt1c'ns and. ;.:".omment:.. tfora thc er,unciL
<br />Couneilor Kdly thanked cve:ryon;:;: fhr their testimony. 1-1<:: explained that the '~oundl would be ri;)tiring
<br />into an executivc s.ession be-thm wking action ml the emerp:ri&xo zonc r~olution in ord;:::r to ask the City
<br />A.ttomey :..;even~l J.egal qucstions. He ollled it disingcnuous t(J say that. outside bu:..;inesses wonJd be
<br />hVOR'd oVQr rcsident bi.::"ines~ts. He underseored that t.he rules tr<;:ated everyone equally; should a job be
<br />create<L a tax break wouldb::: granted. He did not hc1icH~ thHt enterprise ~ones. -wen;~ the only tool for
<br />ecc,nomic zk\-,"olopment. He felt there had hecn a greut deal of m:isinform<rtion regarding th<~ zon.e. He
<br />cited GIO!yhee hx}ds as an example and said that, according to his calcUlator, the comp,my would ,eceive
<br />the :.;ame benefit in (m ,;nkrp,ise zone, ","ith or without H job cap.
<br />Councilor Bettn:wn sl:rcssed that the City and the County wanted an enterprise z.one, but now the tW(l
<br />jurisdictions Wt.:::re "haggling over t.he price:' She :..;aid one issue W<'IS whether the two \vou.ld h:l.vc "re~d
<br />standard::;" or \vhdh;::~r SUdl :..;tandards would he "window drtssing." She th~!ught the proposaL-> on the
<br />tabk were '<\vindc>w dres~ing" and tlK impact on the magnitndxo ofth<~ benefit would henegHgibk.
<br />Coundtor Taylor than.ked evcryone t()r ~.;pei.lking. Sh<~ asscrtcd that Hn enterp:r!:,>e zon<~ could not require
<br />f{,imily w'agQs,k!Ug~t<:Tm comrnitment,local hiring, or envinmmenwJ p:rott::dion 1.m.der current State la"l,v,
<br />She opposed any entelT~risc .zone, She opined that the stalJdarcts, a$. proposed by the council, wcre
<br />ruinimal and ~;hou1d not b<;:: lowered-
<br />tvhyor Pkrcy tbw.ked Mr. Bnnvn for bringing the !lox1 f()r extra patrols on the rivcr b;::w.b over tbe next
<br />60 days to the cou.ncil' s aUenti<mA Shc understood that th~"e had becn an increase in the nnmher of pohcc
<br />bicycle patrols in that area, She also wished to thank thc member:.; of CAFJfNkr thf:ir work with the
<br />f.:ity, c>:lUing it "extraordinary,"
<br />C\mncilo:r Poling expre:..;soo hii', enthusiasm for the tour he \vould he t.aking of the Chawbtrs area the next
<br />day, courtesy of CAFHN rncmbcrs,
<br />Regarding the enterprise zone, Councilor Po1ing wish.)(l to darify and addre% some of thc assertions
<br />made during the Public Forum. Hc staled that, though somc would portJ"<!y the City Coundi and th~o LmK
<br />Hoard of COtlHty Cornrni.ssioners as being .at '''complete odds," the truth was that the. two Jurisdictions had
<br />agreed upon the interim s.tandards, the nmp, bm'Vlnfidd devdopment and the removal of somel';;lHwad
<br />propcrtks. m, well as the S30,DOO per job cap, He .said the only rcrnainingissne was job retention, He
<br />strcssed that no taxpa.yer money would be "gUillg (jUt" ~.u, au exi~ting company or uew company wou.lei
<br />cont.inue to pay the exi:..;ting mmmnt of tax and th;:::: unly thing that the excmptkm applied to 'vvai; the
<br />MINUTES~En.gene City Council Juty 18, 2005 P;::!g~ 1';
<br />Regulur Sesskrn
<br />