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<br />wondered 1f tax hre8.ks were truly nece~sary and w-b.cther fh.;;::y (lUtweighed the eomnmnily bend'its to he <br />reap;:;:d, She. H10ught the cost 'Nas too high tn the envin.Hunent, public school:>, mads, puhlk~ wdt~'in:: and <br />satCty. Sh(~ qlJ<;~;:;tioned whether such tax brcaJ:s v;ere 1Hx:e~.,sary tZ) attr8.d and retain qtmtity johi': in the <br />Hrea. She averred that votG..npproved limits on property wxatkm .;;md dedining COllX.lmte tax rates helped <br />to push Stati;) S(TV!l.:-:es and infmstmcmre into l:\;'::ep funding crii;es. She noted that the Oregon Center for <br />l\:blic Policy indicated that in lhe upcoming budget cyek, corpGrations o-p~wting in Oregon would pay 71 <br />percenl kss in i;h\te corporate income taxes as .a share of the economy than th~~y di.d i.n the late 1970~. She <br />lludersco,ed that \~ork:ng fiuniHes .and small hUi;ine::;~,e::;were p8.ying a larger share of sL:ate income taxes <br />tbm a generation ag(j. She felt it wa!:; to understand why additiomd tax hreaks would be. a priority <br />in the f:ace of , .a shift. Sbx~ said that, at the very least, thz~ eotmdl sh.cH.:dd i;tand firrn hehind the rUles it <br />had adopted, induding limiting tax breaks to the indu~triei; that build or expB;nd on ii..:H"U"KT industrial sites <br />and limiting lhe size of tax hre-<.ib per job created, Spedtk.<t1ly, "he thOll.ght given that jobs created w.<\s <br />one of the key gO<lls of the enterprise. zone \::oncept and that the limit made sense as an important way to <br />ensure accountability, She urgz..'Xl the council not to abandon the COlrmmr1!ty stan.dards bec.ause they <br />provided rational limits on the "uhsidies that were heing offcn;:d, She asked that the tuundl ahandon t.he <br />enterprise zone shoul.d theL<l:ne County Com.m.issionem refuHe to accept t.he conditions. Should this be <br />the case, ~he asked that the coum.::il redirect its energies to :finding other stn\tegie~> ({) attract. new <br />t}(.l.sinei;~.;e~. She preterred that new strategies nOl be dependent {)Jl "offering <;.lpen-endcd. public s1.:bsidies," <br />Jnzef Siekd<IAzieu.ldd, 1025 Taylor Stred, s.ubmitted written testlmony from his partacr on another <br />subj<x~t, primarily f(}l;;used on the po~.,sihility of fhe conslructi.on of aWhok Food" Grocery in the <br />downtown aW<L <br />[\11'. Zdl..ienkk.i said he participated on the steering committee f(.,r Ct\.Fl-fr4, cornprised of profci':sion8.1s and <br />others who wcre. trying to sd i;tHndards ({l maintain a "bungakNHype" n.cighborhx!i)d while pwmoting <br />muhlp1e use in parts o[the ,~,pC(~ial zone in. that area. He tHt that the cmmnerdal a::;peet between <br />Chambers Slreet .;;md Garfield Stred bId uot heen (.':mphasized by consul.t;;int8 and the Planning <br />fkpartmf..'nL I:k~ opined that it the place to intensify density ai; hou~in.g could be built i:n the upstairs <br />oftb;::i;i;:: commercial buildings. He proposed that the neighborh-i;lod ht;: rmintained ai; it was with nne-and- <br />a-half swr-yhGw,<:::s. lk thought the oth>:::T commerdal area~ with "tin shed::;" and vacant 101S W;:::\'C fip>::: fix <br />devdopm.cnt, <br />Laud Segel. 1210 Bai;( 2~lh Place, edinedM::;.H:ilcy's cmnments regarding the enterprise :lone, She <br />urged the ixnm.cil to consider everything 1\'1&, Riky said regarding the zone and czmununity stand8.nk <br />IJsa Arkin., 29136 GimVl HiD Ro.;;\d, i;upporh:d (he council .~, original agreement on zxm1l:nu:nity standard~ <br />tor the enterprise zone, She expresst.><;l apprz.':Cbtion. KY!' the work of the Mayor and councilors t{) reach <br />ZXH1s(~n.sus, or near eonSt.::HS:tl8, on a "'very controversial i~sl..le." She believed that by respecting those <br />i;::ffort~, the cmmd! demonstrated good faith to on(~ another B:nd to the members of the crnmnunity, She <br />averred that whe.n public lax :mbsidk'i> ,.if<;:: awarded, the public should be ahle to exped a(~cmH1tahiHt:y and <br />sta:ndard::; that mov<:~ the community towa:rd a realization of its values i;uch as smart grmvth, ec.onornic <br />jl.lstice,wmker and enviromneutal protection::;, She said it was reasonahle to exp~::ct ~uch guarantecs. In <br />conclusion., ~he not<:::d that she had been appointed to the Maynr'i;;:lin.ahle BUsines~ Initiative (SHl) <br />Task. force, It was her as::;wuption that the task {()fee would be working on 1..-kv'Clopment of community <br />standards tor sustainable economic <.kveh}pment <br />Mosbe Immerman, 1295 McLean Boulevard, invited the council to the M.nivcrsary celebration of the <br />Corvallis fond co.(}perativc-. <br />MINUTES.....-E1.:gene City C{lundl July 18, 20H5 P.<ige 7 <br />Regular S;;::ssion <br />. n...... .................................................... ........ <br />