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CC Minutes - 07/15/08 Joint Elected Officials
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/15/08 Joint Elected Officials
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City Council Minutes
Joint Elected Officials
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of the jurisdictions would be making and the degree to which they would agree or disagree about them would <br />be. He wanted to work out a way to coordinate the underlying assumptions. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman questioned whether the underpinning assumptions could be coordinated. She asserted <br />that the City of Eugene was trying to build more densely and the City of Springfield was building out at 50 <br />percent of allowable density. She declared that those assumptions were “extremely different” and she could <br />not see how they could be coordinated. She thought the Metro Plan should be included in the work plan as it <br />contained the land use assumptions that dictated transportation assumptions and the projects. She opined <br />that they would have to be individual plans because the two jurisdictions no longer shared an Urban Growth <br />Boundary (UGB). <br /> <br />Springfield Councilor Ralston agreed with the assumption that the Metro Plan was no longer useful or that <br />there were components of it that were no longer useful. He supported separate TSPs and averred that if the <br />Regional Transportation Plan took care of the large projects that related to both communities it would beg <br />the question how important the TransPlan would be. He felt that if the MetroPlan was invalid, then it would <br />make the TransPlan invalid, especially if the two jurisdictions developed their own plans. He wanted to <br />know why the TransPlan was important. Mr. Inerfeld responded that the TransPlan was what was <br />considered the TSP and the RTSP at this time. He said they could make TransPlan the name of the RTSP, <br />which was required by the State or it could be called by another name. <br /> <br />Commissioner Sorenson remarked that the County had a sense of urgency about economizing the plan so <br />that the federal, state, and regional requirements should be pulled together. He agreed that a local facility <br />that affected one community should be handled locally. He related that the commissioners had directed their <br />staff to return in September or October with an estimate of how long the County had before it would run out <br />of its Road Fund. He predicted that for the County the brakes would stop on its financial ability to <br />participate in regional activities where the Road Fund was a principal source of funding. He was bothered <br />by the idea of not merging the federal, state, and regional requirements. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy asked if Commissioner Sorenson was echoing Councilor Ralston’s sentiments. Commissioner <br />Sorenson affirmed that he was. He said they needed to keep doing the state regional work separately from <br />the federal regional work, but help from the County in certain projects was required by federal and state <br />laws and the jurisdictions would have to help the County look for ways to economize on its participation. <br /> <br />Councilor Ballew said before they made a decision about how to develop the transportation plans, whether <br />to do them individually or in conjunction with one another, there needed to be a clearer understanding of the <br />financial ramifications. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka averred that they were in danger of making three separate plans. He agreed that the local <br />and regional plans should be separate, but he hoped that in consideration of the County’s financial <br />constraints the state and federal planning would be combined into one plan. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman did not want to take regional priority setting out of the purview of local decision-making. <br />She noted that federal funding sometimes required a local match. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fleenor encouraged his colleagues and the staff of the jurisdictions to realize that the area <br />could be in a persistent economic downturn that could last “years and even decades.” He also wanted to <br />encourage staff to “keep it simple, reduce the layers of bureaucracy, [and] reduce the policies and <br />procedures.” He predicted this would add less of a burden on taxpayers. He wanted things to be simplified <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Joint Elected Officials— July 15, 2008 Page 5 <br /> Lane Board of County Commissioners and Eugene and Springfield City Councils <br /> <br />
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