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In addition, Planning Division staff met with the Historic Review Board on April 24, <br />2003 to present the draft Downtown Plan, and on May 22, 2003 to hear comments on the <br />plan. On May 30, 2003, the draft Plan was presented at the Eugene City Club. Two <br />public open houses on the Eugene Downtown Plan, and downtown financial tools were <br />held, one on June 30, 2003 and one on December 6, 2003. Planning Commission held a <br />series of work sessions to discuss these items on July 28, August 11 and September 8, <br />before recommending approval on September 29, 2003. City Council held a duly noticed <br />public hearing on January 26, 2004 to consider approval, modification, or denial of the <br />amendments. <br /> <br />The draft Downtown Plan and related materials remain available on the intemet through <br />the City's web site. <br /> <br />These processes afford ample opportunity for citizen involvement consistent with Goal 1. <br />Therefore, the Metro Plan amendments are consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 1. <br /> <br />Goal 2 - Land Use Planning: To establish a land use planning process and policy <br /> framework as a basis for all decision and actions related to use of land and to <br /> assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions. <br /> <br />The record shows that there is an adequate factual base to support these plan amendments <br />as Goal 2 requires. Further, the Goal 2 coordination requirement is met. Goal 2 requires <br />that plans be coordinated with the plans of affected governmental units and that <br />opportunities be provided for review and comment by affected governmental units. To <br />comply with the Goal 2 coordination requirement, the City coordinated the review of <br />these amendments with all affected governmental units. Specifically, notice was mailed <br />to: Lane County, Springfield, City of Eugene; and the Department of Land Conservation <br />and Development. There are no Goal 2 Exceptions required for this ordinance. <br />Therefore, the Metro Plan amendments are consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 2. <br /> <br />Goal 3 - Agricultural Land: To preserve and maintain agricultural lands. <br /> <br />This Goal is not applicable to the proposed Plan amendments as the subject area and <br />actions do not affect any agricultural plan designation or use. Therefore, this Goal is not <br />relevant and these amendments do not affect Metro Plan compliance with Statewide <br />Planning Goal 3. <br /> <br />Goal 4 - Forest Land: To conserve forest lands by maintaining the forest land base and <br /> to protect the state's forest economy by making possible economically efficient <br /> forest practices that assure the continuous growing and harvesting of forest tree <br /> species as the leading use on forest land consistent with sound management of <br /> soil, air, water, and fish and wildlife resources and to provide for recreational <br /> opportunities and agriculture. <br /> <br />This Goal is not applicable to the proposed Plan amendments as the subject area and <br />actions do not affect any forest plan designation or use. Therefore, this Goal is not <br /> <br />Ordinance 1 Exhibit B - 2 <br />C:~Documents and Settings\ceplnxl\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK238\Ordinance 1 - <br />Findings - Exhibit B (00065096-2) 1.DOC(02/03/04) <br /> <br /> <br />