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Moreover, in determining whether proposed land uses would affect or be consistent with <br />planned transportation facilities, the OAR's set out certain automatic credits for reduction <br />in vehicle trips for developments in "mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly centers, and <br />neighborhoods." The addition of the "ND Nodal Development" Metro Plan Diagram <br />designation identifies the downtown area, our central business district, as a nodal <br />development, transit-oriented/pedestrian district. This designation enables the City to <br />qualify for this state credit in reduction of vehicle miles traveled, in further compliance <br />with the State Transportation Planning Rule. <br /> <br />Therefore, the proposed amendments are consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 12. <br /> <br />Goal 13 - Energy Conservation: To conserve energy. <br /> <br />The Metro Plan diagram amendments do not specifically impact energy conservation, <br />except to encourage compact urban development within downtown. The Nodal <br />Development concept supports compact urban level development, efficient transportation <br />systems, and use of alternative modes of transportation. The amendments are consistent <br />with Statewide Planning Goal 13. <br /> <br />Goal 14 - Urbanization: To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to <br /> urban land use. <br /> <br />No property is being converted from rural to urban land use. For all the properties <br />affected by these amendments, all necessary urban services are in place. Therefore, both <br />amendments are consistent with statewide planning Goal 14. <br /> <br />Goal 15 - Willamette River Greenway: To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain <br /> the natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, economic and recreational qualities <br /> of lands along the Willamette River as the Willamette River Greenway. <br /> <br />The Metro Plan designates all areas adjacent to the Willamette River for Goal 15 <br />protection. The Eugene Land Use Code requires that, prior to the intensification of use, <br />change in use or development occurring on lands lying within the designated Willamette <br />Greenway boundaries, the City must approve a Willamette Greenway Permit. Sections <br />9.8800 through 9.8825 of the Eugene Code govern the Willamette Greenway Permit <br />process and specifically implement the requirements of Goal 15. These amendments do <br />not effect the requirement that lands lying within the Greenway boundaries must obtain a <br />Willamette Greenway Permit, nor do these amendments change the permit approval <br />criteria. Further, these amendments do not affect the boundaries of the Willamette River <br />Greenway established by Eugene City Council Resolution No. 2592. <br /> <br />Goals 16 through 19 (Estuarine Resources, Coastal Shorelands, Beaches and Dunes, <br /> and Ocean Resources): <br /> <br />Ordinance 1 Exhibit B - 7 <br />C:~Documents and Settings\ceplnxl\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK238\Ordinance 1 - <br />Findings - Exhibit B (00065096-2) 1.DOC(02/03/04) <br /> <br /> <br />