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There are no coastal, ocean, estuarine, or beach and dune resources related to the property <br />or involved in the amendment. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goals 16 through 19 do <br />not apply. <br /> <br />The above findings demonstrate that the proposed Metro Plan amendments are consistent <br />with all relevant statewide planning goals. <br /> <br />EC 9.7730(3)(b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan <br />internally inconsistent. <br /> <br />The proposed Metro Plan diagram amendments are consistent with the remainder of the <br />Metro Plan. No text or other diagram changes are necessary for consistency with this <br />amendment; adoption of these amendments will not make the Metro Plan internally <br />inconsistent. <br /> <br />The Metro Plan diagram currently designates the Downtown Plan area for a variety of <br />land uses. The proposed ND designation within the Downtown Plan area on the Metro <br />Plan Land Use Diagram does not affect these base designations. The ND designation <br />will essentially be an overlay to the base land use designation. As such, the diagram <br />amendment will serve to augment the current designation by enabling the use of <br />additional implementation tools to guide development consistent with adopted nodal <br />development policies within the Metro Plan, as follows: <br /> <br /> Apply the nodal development strategy in areas selected by each <br /> jurisdiction that have identified potential for this type of transportation- <br /> efficient land use pattern (#F. 1, page III-F-4). <br /> <br /> Provide for transit-supportive land use patterns and development, <br /> including higher intensity, transit-oriented development along major <br /> transit corridors and near transit stations; medium and high-density <br /> residential development within ~ mile of transit stations, major transit <br /> corridors, employment centers, and downtown areas; and development <br /> and redevelopment in designated areas that are or could be well served by <br /> existing or planned transit (#F.3, page III-F-5). <br /> <br /> Within three years of TransPlan adoption, apply the ND Nodal <br /> Development designation to areas selected by each jurisdiction, adopt and <br /> apply measures to protect designated nodes from incompatible <br /> development, and adopt a schedule for completion of nodal plans and <br /> implementing ordinances (#F.5, page III-F-5). <br /> <br />Other relevant Metro Plan Policies address the conversion of industrially designated land <br />to a non-industrial designation. <br /> <br /> Discourage future Metropolitan Area General Plan amendments that <br /> would change development-ready industrial lands (sites defined as short- <br /> <br />Ordinance 1 Exhibit B - 8 <br />C:~Documents and Settings\ceplnxl\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK238\Ordinance 1 - <br />Findings - Exhibit B (00065096-2) I.DOC(02/03/04) <br /> <br /> <br />