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term in the Metropolitan Industrial Lands Special Study, 1991) to non- <br /> industrial designations (#12, page III-B-5). <br /> <br />This site is not listed as "short-term" in The Metropolitan Industrial Lands Study. <br /> <br /> Provide existing industrial activities sufficient adjacent land for future <br /> expansion (#5, page III-B-5). <br /> <br />No expansion of an existing use was required at this site. The industrial use in the <br />location had already closed on its own, due to separate economic factors, specifically the <br />Chapter 11 Bankruptcy proceedings involving Agripac, the former owner of the site. <br /> <br />The industrial designation is not necessary for the Federally initiated Courthouse <br />development. The remainder of the site is no longer appropriate for heavy industrial <br />uses, since it will be located adjacent to the new Courthouse, and in close proximity to <br />the EWEB property on the riverfront. The proposed commercial designation on the city- <br />owned parcel will permit employment and development opportunities more compatible <br />with nearby land uses and activities in the downtown core. <br /> <br />The addition of the "ND Nodal Development" Metro Plan Diagram designation also <br />implements policy direction in TransPlan, TransPlan Land Use Policies 1 and 5, which <br />were also adopted as Metro Plan Transportation Policies F-1 and F-5, specifically relate <br />to nodal development, as listed below: <br /> <br /> Land Use Policy 1: Apply the nodal development strategy in areas <br /> selected by each jurisdiction that have identified potential for this type of <br /> transportation efficient land use pattern. <br /> <br />The Downtown Plan Area is identified as a potential node on the TransPlan Potential <br />Nodal Development Areas (Appendix A map). The Metro Plan amendment facilitates <br />the application of the nodal development strategy outlined in the policy above, by <br />applying the/ND Nodal Development plan designation to property within the Downtown <br />Plan area. <br /> <br /> Land Use Policy 5: Within three years of TransPlan adoption, apply the <br /> ND, Nodal Development designation to areas selected by each <br /> jurisdiction, adopt and apply measures to protect designated nodes from <br /> incompatible development and adopt a schedule for completion of nodal <br /> development plans and implementing ordinances. <br /> <br />The Metro Plan amendment specifically addresses this policy by applying the ND, Nodal <br />Development plan diagram designation to the Downtown Plan area. The amendment is <br />within the timeline specified in the policy. In addition, policies in the Downtown Plan <br />support mixed uses, increased densities, and a network of walkable streets in the plan <br />area- all characteristic of nodal development. <br /> <br />Ordinance 1 Exhibit B - 9 <br />CSDocuments and Settings\ceplnxl\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK238\Ordinance 1 - <br />Findings - Exhibit B (00065096-2) 1.DOC(02/03/04) <br /> <br /> <br />