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<br />ATTACHMI~NT A <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 4851 <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING iNTERn\-! LOCAL CRITERiA <br />APPIJCABLE IN THE WEST EUGENE ENTERPIUSE ZONE AND <br />A.DOVn.NGA PUBLIC HENEfTI SCORING SYSTEM; ANn <br />REPEALING RESOLUTION 4845, <br /> <br />The City Coundl of the ('ity of Eugene finds tlmt: <br /> <br />A. On .Apri! 20, 2005, the City CounciJ ;:,doptedResolution No, <br />Cry Manager Lo make applIcation to the State of Oregon t()f designation <br />Erm:rprisc Zone. <br /> <br /> the <br />of ;1 \Vc'st [lugene <br /> <br />R /\!. the ttrneResoiution 4832 \V3S approved, Lhe Council directed the City r\1an~tgc;.;r <br />t.o briHg bcd, h.i the Council, prior to July l, 200.5, a resolution adopting interim local criteria <br />com,islcnt with the Public Benefit Critena adopted in 1997. It \vas the understanding that new <br />quality stwdm-ds \-\Tjtdd be adopted as soon as practical following notification of ~t successful <br />de::,ignation appbcation, with the intent that 25 percent ofthc tax ex,cmption bendit Jor qualitted <br />entr:,rprisc zone invc~;tments would he subject to the job qualitYSf.3.ndards, <br /> <br />C. On June 27, 2005, the Council approved Resolution 4845: adopting Interinl Local <br />Public BeJ1cfh Criteria ,md other provisions pertaining to the West Eugene Enteqmsc Zone in <br />anticip3tion the de:-;ignatinn of the Zone, Resolution 4845 provided that it would become <br /><;;nectivc upon adoption by the Council and adoption of a. substanllally similar res~)lution by the <br />Lxne C\iumy Board of CommissjoneJ~", 011 June 29 and on July 12, 2005, the BGani of <br />Comrn1ssioners adopted orders, hut they \vere not substantial1y similar to Resolution 4H45. This <br />resolution replaces Resolution 4845, <br /> <br />D. On A.ugus; 2, 2005, tht.' Board amended its July lo~, 2005 order rev!f;wg the <br />interim local cril<;'ria. 'n.lis Resolution is substantiaLly sirniJar to Order 1-+05-8-2-5. <br /> <br />E, On Junr 2B, 2005, by Director's Order No, 110-05-130, the Oregon Economic and <br />Curmmmity Development Department approved the application a.nd designated the \Vest EugUIC <br />Enterprise efft'ctive July I, lOOS. <br /> <br />F. Th,~ Publk Benefit Criteria attached as Exhibit A herdo nJlcds the scoring <br />, . ", l' N ' - .1 ,. Y') b "99"7 0 h I fO 0 t' 'l' <br />adop.tcd ov h(~S() utlOn j '0, 4)4() on 1 etCH.; ,er i, j , . WIt . tlconnula 'or c::ucu atmg <br />< 0 <br />tb: pub1iz:iJcnefit contribmion ;;djusted to reflect the Council's desire to condition ~:s percent <br /><n".r'"'l""")','! ; ") Y)"'l"'''Y''.) ",f'l'''' t',n' ;,v''''11rrt1Qj1('-n lhi' "',j";I'" ....i>l,f~fl't r'l'l'ti':!';<:, <br />\.1..), ~}, .....'t~:: ...... { ....... ....Vl).~) ';0. t 1w ..:.t~'lo. ......',..""'.(, ~ ..,-,_. )', ,......l}\.-._..~ ,-, ~j,-. (~.".->, ...... ,)(.~. <br /> <br />G, Support of exi.sting bu~;inesses and retention of existing jobs are <br />eJemenb of the \VeBl Eugene Fnkrprise Zone, and those dements should be discussed <br />dcvcJoprncm of pcnnancnt 3tandards and public beneJit criteria, <br /> <br />important <br />the <br /> <br />Ht"solution - ! <br />