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<br />:-JO"V, THE.REFORE. <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY 'IRE (Try COUNCIL OF lIfE CITY OF Elf GENE, a <br />J\lmlidpal Corporation of fhe Statl2' nf On.'gon~ as follows: <br /> <br />Sectkm 1, Based on the above ilndings, which arc herebv <H.lo[!bJ. the eitv Coundl <br />l,:;slahhshc5 the folknving Interim Local Benefit Criteria Jelt: the l;roposed \Vc~t Eugene <br />Enkrprisc Zone: <br /> <br />(a) Qualifying companies shaH be required to make d public beneHt <br />cOlH.ributicH hased on the fonowing criteria: <br /> <br />1. The extent 10 \;vhich the company hires from local training./relcrr<lJ <br />ag,;;nclcs: <br /> <br />;... <br /> <br />The extent to \vhich the company hires persons with barriers to <br /> <br />e.mpJoy:rni~'nt: <br />3 The extent to '."..-hieh the average cornpensation of ne\V jobs is equal <br />to or greiw;r than the average count}' '.';([ge; <br />4. 'The extent to \o','1H(:h tb,:; company dedicates fbnds for Don. <br /> tr;iDT~ng and beneflts~ <br />S. \Vhcther the company is utilizing a previou:'lly developed sile, <br />including e.,-pansion of a.n eXlsting site, or redeveIoprnent of an industnal or <br />bn>wnfickJ site; <br />6. The extent t.o \'vbeh thf; assessed. vnJuc of ne\V investnx;nt exce<.:~ds <br /> <br />$500~GGG per acr{~~ <br />7 \Vhetber the com pan;:>, 1S a small and/or local business or sma.1i <br />andlor locat start-up eornpany. <br /> <br />(b) Except as providoJ in subsection (el, in no event shaJi the amount of the <br />cont.rihution exceed 25t'.{.l of the tax exr!IlptiOl]' <br /> <br />(C) NOhvtthstand1ng n:,;; provisions of subsect1\.ms (a) and (b) of this section, <br />the three-year tax exenlption benefit shaH be limited to a lllaximuiT1 of $96,000 per job <br />created or S32,onn per job created per year, 'vvhichcvcr is less. Tax exernption bend'lt::; in <br />excess of that amount shall be paid as a public b':;nefit con.tribution. .A busmess \vhose <br />tax exemption beneJ~tis <J1llicip<ucd 10 exceed the job cap limitation described in this <br />subsection (c) shall make a public benefit contribution based on the anticipated excess, <br />\'vith a reconciliation of the contribution amount to the extent allowed by jaw to occur in <br />the third year of the exemption, ha~;ed on n::Z~i)rds of actual employment. <br /> <br />(<1) During the period. these Interim Criteria. arc in effect, th~ per-job llrnit on <br />the three-year tax \:xempt1011 benefit cles\.'ribed in the first sentence of subsection (c) of <br />this section rnay he \valved or modified {or a specific applicant if the City Council and <br />the County Board nf Commissi<mcrs each at-1ft;"; to the \vaiv,:;r or nwdifin1tion. The <br />decision tn \Vmve or not to waive the limit shaH be based on \:onsideration <br /> <br /> <br />ResoJution- 2 <br />