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a. The schedule shal 1 contain mi 1 estone dates far <br />the commencement and completion of major events 1 eadi ng <br />to the construction and operation of additional pretreat- <br />ment required for the applicant to comply with the re- <br />quirements of this division including, but not 1 imi ted <br />to, dates relating to hiring an engineer, completing <br />pre1 i mi nary plans, completing final plans, executing <br />contract far major components, co~nencing construction, <br />completing construction, and al 1 other acts necessary <br />to achieve compliance with sections fi.4o0 to 6.410 of <br />this code. <br />b. Under no circumstances shall a time increment <br />for any single step directed toward camel i once which ex- <br />ceeds nine months be permitted. <br />c. Not 1 ater than 14 days following each mi 1 estone <br />date i n the schedule and the final date fvr compliance, <br />the applicant shall submit a progress report to the city, <br />including at least, a statement on whether or not the <br />applicant complied with the increment of progress repre- <br />sented by that mi 1 estone date and i f not, the date on <br />which i t expects to comply with this increment of pro- <br />gress, the reason for delay, and the steps being taken <br />by the applicant to return the construction to the <br />approved schedu1 e. In no event shall more than nine <br />months elapse between such progress reports to the city. <br />11. A list of each product produced by type, amount, pro- <br />cess or processes, and rate of production; <br />12. A list of the type and amount of raw materials util- <br />i zed including chemicals used i n process which may be d i s- <br />charged to the sanitary sewer system average and maximum per <br />days; <br />13 . Any pertinent special agreements between the appl i - <br />cant and the city concerning treatment of discharges, special <br />user charges or rates, or any other information deemed neces- <br />sary by the city manager; <br />~4. The application shat 1 be signed by an authari zed rep- <br />resentati ve of the industrial user; <br />The city manager wi 11 evaluate the data furnished by the applicant <br />and may determine that addi t i anal information or samp1 i ng of <br />wastewater characteristics is necessary. If such a determination <br />i s made, the applicant, unless the time period i s extended, wi 11 <br />be given 3o days to provide the required information or sampling . <br />I f i t i s not provided within the designated time period, the appl i - <br />cat i on shal 1 be denied . After determining that the submitted <br />application contains all of the information required by this sub- <br />section, the city manager will consider the submission, any addi- <br />tianal evidence that may have been requested, and any other avai 1- <br />abl a information relevant to the appl i cati an. If the city manager <br />determines that the proposed discharge meets the requirements of <br />sections 6.400 to b.4lo of this code, the city manager will, within <br />30 days after determining that the application i s complete, issue <br />a wastewater discharge permit subject to appropriate conditions. <br />Any application determined by the city manager to be complete shall <br />Ordinance - 14 <br />