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constitute compliance with baseline monitoring report requirements <br />under 40 CFR 403.12~b}. <br />~c} Modification of ermit. Conditions included in a waste- <br />water discharge permit shat l remain i n effect for that permit unti 1 <br />i t expires, except that they may be revised by the city manager <br />whenever the city manager deems a revision is necessary in order <br />to of f ect ~ vel y ~ mpl event the pretreatment program, as required by <br />city, state or federal standards ar i n order to effectuate the ob- <br />jectives of sections 6.400 to 6.410 of this code, and the city's <br />policy to cooperate with the state and federal government or to <br />meet any emergency. The permit holder shall be informed of any <br />proposed changes i n its permit at least 30 days prior to the effec- <br />ti ve date of change except i n the event of an emergency. <br />~d} Duration. Permits shall be issued for a specified time <br />per od, not to exceed three years. The permit holder shal 1 appl y <br />for permi t rep ssuance a mi nimum of 9o days prior to the expi rati an <br />of its existing permit i f i t desires to continue to discharge. <br />fie} Conditions. Wastewater discharge permits shall be ex- <br />pressly subject to all provisions of sections 6.400 to 6.410 of <br />this code. Where applicable, permits shall contain the fallowing <br />conditions: <br />1. Payment of applicable fees; <br />2. Limits vn the average and maximum discharge of res- <br />tri cted substances, including mass 1 i mi ts; <br />3 . Limits on average and maximum rate and time of d i s - <br />charge or requirements far flow regulators and equalization; <br />4 ; Requirements for installing and maintaining pretreat- <br />ment, ~nspect~on or mon~tor~ng samp1 ing facilities; <br />s 5. Specifications for monitoring and sampling programs <br />wh ~ ch may ~ ncl ude , monl tors ng sampling 1 ocati ons, frequency of <br />mon~tor~ng, sampling, number, types and standards for tests <br />and reporting schedules; <br />6. Compliance schedules; <br />1. Requirements for submitting technical reports or dis- <br />charge reports; <br />~. Requirements for maintaining and retaining plant <br />records relating to wastewater discharge as specified by the <br />city manager, and affording the city manager access thereto; <br />9. Requirements for notifying the city of any new di s- <br />charge of a restri cted substance or any substantial change i n <br />the val ume or character of the wastewater or any restricted <br />substances being discharged into the city sewerage system; <br />10. Requirements for notifying the city within two busi- <br />ness days after a permi t holder has a reasonabl a basis to <br />know that the production 1 evel wi 11 significantly change <br />within the next calendar month, and that without such noti f i - <br />cati on, apermi t holder must meet the mass or concentration <br />1 i mi is i n its permit that were based on the original estimate <br />of the long term average production rate; <br />11. Requirements far immediately notifying the city of <br />s1 ug 1 oad d~ scharges; <br />12. Requirements that the permit holder notify the city <br />of any disposal of wastewater i n excess of 500 ga11 ons to any <br />Ordinance - 15 <br />