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permit, which discharge presents an i ~ni Went or existing danger to the health <br />or we] fare of persons, property or the environment or which has caused or <br />wi 11 cause interference, pass through or contamination of the resulting <br />sludge, the city manager may issue an order to cease and desist and direct <br />that the person responsible for such vi al ati on: <br />{a} Comply forthwith; <br />{b~ Comply in accordance with the time schedule set forth by <br />the city manager; or <br />{ c ~ Take appropriate remedial or preventative action , <br />{ ~ ~ I f the person or permit holder i n v i o1 at i on fails to compl y <br />with the order, the city shall take such steps as are deemed necessary or <br />proper i nc1 ud i ng immediate severance of the sewer connection . The city s h al l <br />reinstate the wastewater treatment service upon proof of the elimination of <br />the actual or threatened violation. The f i 1 i ng of an appeal pursuant to sec- <br />t i on 6.465 of this code shall not stay enforcement of the city manager. <br />6.455 Industrial Pretreatment Program -Submission of Time Schedule. If <br />the city manager finds that a discharge has taken or may take place <br />i n violation of sections 6.400 to 6.470 of this code ar the conditions of a <br />discharge permit, the city manager may require the person or permit holder <br />responsible therefor to submit for approval , within such time and with such <br />modifications as the city manager deems necessary, a detai 1 ed time schedul e <br />of specific actions which the person or permit holder shal 1 take i n order to <br />prevent or correct the violatian. <br />6.460 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -Termination and Revacation of <br />Discharge Permit. <br />{ 1 ~ Any industrial user who violates any of the provisions of sec- <br />ti ons 6.400 to 6.410 of this code or, where applicable, the candi t i ons of its <br />discharge permit, which violation does not present an imminent danger to the <br />health or welfare of persons, property or the environment or which violation <br />wi 11 not cause interference, pass through or contamination of the resulting <br />sludge, may have its discharge permit revoked and/or sewer connection severed <br />by order of the city manager. <br />{2~ The arder sha11 be signed by the city manager and shall specify <br />the nature and source of the violation. The arder shall be delivered or sent <br />by regular mai 1 to the address of the industrial user. The order may specify <br />the corrective actions to be taken and shall al 1 ow reasonable time for sati s- <br />factory correction. If the industrial user does nat correct the violation <br />within the time specified, or such additional time as may be allowed in writ- <br />i ng by the city manager, then the discharge permit shall be revoked and/or <br />the sewer connection severed as provided in the order. Correction of the <br />vial ati on shall not preclude assessment of monetary penalties. <br />{3 ~ The f i 1 i ng of an appeal pursuant to section 6.465 of this code <br />shall stay enforcement of the action by the city manager under this section <br />pending final administrative action on the appeal . This provision supplements <br />and does not restrict other provisions of this code, laws or regulations <br />authorizing termination of service for delinquency i n payment of fees or <br />charges. <br />Ordinance - 20 <br />