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6.462 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -Public Notification of Si n i f i - <br />cant Noncompliance. The city shall publish i n a dai ly newspaper <br />____ <br />with the 1 argent daily circulation i n the metropolitan area, not less than <br />annual 1 y, a 1 i st of those industrial users which during the previous 12 <br />months were in significant noncompliance with sections fi.4DO to fi.410 of <br />this code or their discharge permits. This notification will su~nari ze en- <br />forcement action by the city during the same 12 months. For purposes of <br />this section, an industrial user i s i n significant noncompliance i f i is vi o- <br />l ati on meets one or more of the following criteria: <br />~a} Chronic violations of wastewater discharge limits, de- <br />fined herein as those in which fib percent or more of all of the <br />measurements taken duri ng a s i x month period exceed ~ by any magn i - <br />tude} the daily maximum 1 unit or the average l unit far the same <br />pollutant parameter; <br />fib} Technical review criteria ~TRC} violations, defined here- <br />i n as those i n which 33 percent or mare of al 1 of the measurements <br />for each pollutant parameter taken during a six month period equal <br />or exceed the product of the daily maximum 1 unit or the average <br />limit multiplied by the applicable TRC ~TRC=1.4 for BOD, TSS, fats, <br />oil and grease, and I.2 far al 1 other pollutants except pH} ; <br />~c} Any other violation of a pretreatment eff1 vent l imi t <br />~dai ly maximum or 1 anger-term average} that the city manager deter- <br />m~nes has caused, alone or ~n combination with other discharges, <br />interference or pass through ~ i ncl udi ng endangering the health of <br />city personnel or the general public}; <br />~d} Any discharge of a pal 1 utant that has caused imminent <br />endangerment to human health, welfare or to the environment or has <br />resulted i n the city's exercise of its emergency authority under <br />section 6.450 of this code to halt or prevent such a discharge; <br />fie} Fai ] ure to meet, within 9o days after the schedule date, <br />a compliance schedule milestone for starting construction, complet- <br />ing construction, or attaining final compliance; <br />~f} Failure to provide, within 30 days after the due date, <br />required reports such as baseline monitoring reports, 9o-day com- <br />pl i once reports, periodic self -man i tori ng reports, and reports on <br />compliance with compliance schedules; <br />fig} Failure to accurately report noncompliance; <br />~ h } Any other violation or group of violations which the city <br />manager determines will adversely affect the operation or implemen- <br />tat~ on of the 1 ocal pretreatment program. <br />6, 463 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram - Im 1 ementation. The city manager <br />i s authorized and directed to promulgate such rut es and regulations <br />as may be deemed necessary or proper to carry out the purposes or provisions <br />of section fi.400 to 6.410 of this code. Nothing in those sections shall pre- <br />vent the city manager from seeking judicial or governmental agency assist- <br />ance to implement the purposes and provisions thereof. <br />6.464 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -Administrative Penal t for Non- <br />Co~am l1 i once . <br />~ I } General 1 I n addition to any penalty or fine which may <br />Ordinance - 2I <br />