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otherwise be charged against any industrial user found to be i n violation of <br />any provision of this code, the city manager may impose a penalty on any such <br />industrial user far each day the industrial user has al l owed a di scharge i n <br />vi o1 ati on of section 6.410 of this code or i n excess of permit 1 imi~tati ons ar <br />otherwise has fai 1 ed to observe the requirements of its discharge permit. <br />The city manager may adopt a schedul a of graduated penalties based on the <br />1 ength or frequency of noncompliance. <br />~2} Basis of penal~t r. A noncompl i ance penalty may be 1 evi ed by <br />the city manager when ei ther a consti tuent limitation has been exceeded or a <br />compliance requirement has not been met. <br />~3} Constituent limitation. A constituent limitation is exceeded <br />when: <br />~a} The concentration of a restri cted substance i n any samp1 e <br />ar i n a serf es of samples taken during the appropriate time period <br />therefor, has exceeded limitations published by the city manager, <br />or any other limitation imposed by a discharge permit; or <br />fib} The pH of any sample is outside the permitted pH range, <br />or <br />~c} A coati nuous recording pH instrument indicates that the <br />pH of the i ndustri a1 discharge: <br />1. Is lower than 5.5 Or greater than 12.0 for more than <br />60 minutes i n any calendar day, or <br />~, Is lower than 3.5 far more than 15 minutes in any <br />calendar day, or <br />~d} The volume restrictions of a di scharge permit are ex- <br />ceeded . <br />~4} Com f i ance re ui rement. A compl i ance requirement has not been <br />met when any requirement established by the discharge permit or by any provi - <br />si on of sections 6.400 to 6.470 of this code, or by regulations pub1 i shed by <br />the city manager or by an order issued by the city manager other than acon- <br />sti tuent 1 imi tati on, has not been met, i nc1 udi ng a fai 1 ure to submit any re- <br />quired reports. <br />45} Col 1 ecti on procedure. Collection of the penalties determined <br />by the city manager shall be in the manner provided in this code for the col - <br />1 ect i on of sewer user charges, i n accordance with any other provisions of <br />this code, or in any other manner provided by law. <br />~6} Appeal. If the industrial user objects to the assessment of <br />any penalty provided by this section, the industrial user shall have all the <br />rights and shall proceed in compliance with the provisions of section 6.455 <br />of this code, <br />~1} Penalties cumulative. The penalties provided i n this section <br />shall be i n addition to any other remedy that the city may have pursuant to <br />this code or i n any other manner provided by 1 aw. <br />6.465 Industrial Pretreatment,,,,,Program„_,,~,~,,,,Appeal s. <br />~ 1 } Reconsideration b~~ ci t mono er. Any person aggrieved by any <br />decision or action of the city manager may f i 1 e a wri tten request with the <br />city manager for reconsideration thereof within ten days of receipt of noti - <br />f i cat i on of such decision or action . The notice of appeal shall be an a <br />form provided by the city manager and shall set forth in reasonable detail <br />the decision or action appealed from and the facts and arguments supporting <br />the appellant's request for reconsideration. The city manager may establish <br />Ordinance - Z2 <br />