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S1 a load. Any discharge of a non-routine episodic nature, <br />including, but not 1 imi ted to, an accidental spi 11 or a non-custo- <br />mary batch discharge. <br />Standards. The limitations and requirements established by <br />federal , state and local 1 aws and regulations for discharges to the <br />city sewerage system. <br />Sus ended sot i ds . The total elements and compounds which <br />float on the surface of, or are suspended in, wastewater and which <br />are removable by laboratory filtration . <br />Toxic of 1 utant. Any pol 1 utant or combination of pol 1 utants <br />identified pursuant to section 301~a} and section 502 of the Act <br />or otherwise 1 i sted as toxic i n regulations previously pramul gated <br />by the EPA, or as identified by the city manager. <br />Wastewater, Liquid or water-carried pollutants including any <br />ground water, surface water, and storm water that may be present, <br />whether treated or untreated, which i s discharged, flows, or <br />infiltrates into the city sewerage system. <br />wastewater discharge permit. A permit issued pursuant to <br />section 6.440 of this code. <br />6.410 Industrial Pretreatment Program -General Di scharge Prohibitions. <br />No industrial user sha11 discharge any pollutant i n a quant i ty <br />which wi 11 harm the health of the city's employees working i n and around the <br />city sewerage system, interfere with the operation or performance of the city <br />sewerage system, or contaminate the resulting sludge, or will pass through <br />the system inadequately treated, into receiving waters, including but not <br />limited to any of the following substances: <br />~a} Any 1 iquids, solids or gases which by reason of their <br />nature or quantity are, or may be sufficient either alone or i n <br />combination with other pollutants to cause fire ar explosion ar be <br />injurious i n any other way to the city sewerage system or its <br />operations, including, but not 1 i mi ted to, gasoline, kerosene, <br />naphtha, benzene, toluene, xyl ene, ethers, a1 cohol s, ketones, <br />aldehydes, peroxides, chlorates, prechl orates, bromates, carbides, <br />hydrides and sulfides; wastestreams wi th a cl osed cup fl ashpoi nt <br />of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 degrees Centigrade using <br />the test methods specified by the city manager. At no time shall <br />two successive readings on an explosion hazard meter, at the point <br />of discharge {or at any point i n the city sewerage system} be more <br />than five percent nor any single reading over ten percent of the <br />lower explosive 1 i mi t of the meter. <br />€b} Pollutants which result i n the presence of toxic gases, <br />vapors, or fumes within the city sewerage system in a quantity that <br />may cause acute worker health and safety problems. <br />~c} Any trucked ar hauled pol 1 utants, except at discharge <br />points designated by the city manager. <br />~d} Solid or viscous substances which either alone or i n com- <br />bi nati on with other pol 1 utants may cause obstruction to the flow <br />i n a sewer ar other interference with the operation of the city <br />sewerage system such as, but not l invited to: grease, garbage with <br />parti c1 es greater than one-hal f i nch in any dimension, animal guts <br />or tissues, paunch manure, bones, hair, hides or f1 eshi ngs, en- <br />Ordinance - 6 <br />