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6.415 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -Pretreatment Standards ~ Restricted <br />Substances. No industrial user shall discharge wastewater contain- <br />i ng restricted substances into the city sewerage system, i n excess of 1 imi ta- <br />t~ ons specs f ~ ed by candi ti ons of its discharge permit or published by the <br />city manager. The city manager shall publish and revise from time to time <br />rules wh ~ ch des ~ gnats and establish ] i mi is for restricted substances. At al 1 <br />times these rules sha]1 cover and be at least as strict as those for pollu- <br />tants as defined in state or federal regulations. Discharge limits or rules <br />i n effect and i ncorparated into any discharge permit shall remain i n effect <br />for that permit until i t expires, except as modified as provided i n section <br />6.440 of this code, <br />6.420 Industrial Pretreatment Program -Specific Restricted Substance <br />Limitations. Subject to further limitation by the city manager <br />pursuant to section 6.4I5 of this code, no i ndustri a1 user shall discharge <br />wastewater containing in excess of; <br />Arsenic, total 1.5 mi 11 i grams per 1 i tre <br />Cadmium, total 0.3 mi 11 i grams per litre <br />Chromium, total 2.0 mi 11 i grams per 1 i tre <br />Capper, total 3.1 milligrams per litre <br />Cyanide, total 2.6 mi 11 i grams per 1 i tre <br />Lead, total 1.7 milligrams per litre <br />Mercury, total .05 milligrams per litre <br />Nickel , total I. l mi I l i grams per 1 i tre <br />Phenols, total 3.5 mil 1 i grams per litre <br />Silver, total 0.8 milligrams per litre <br />Zinc, total 5.7 milligrams per litre <br />6.425 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -Excessive Dischar e, No i ndus- <br />tri a1 user shat 1 increase the use of process water ar, i n any way, <br />attempt to di 1 ute a di scharge as a parti a1 or complete substitute for ade- <br />quate pretreatment to achieve compliance with the standards contained i n sec- <br />t~ons 6.400 to fi.4T0 of this code. <br />6.427 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -Accidental Dischar es. Indus- <br />tri al users shall provide protection from accidental discharge <br />of prohibited ar regulated materials or substances established i n this sec- <br />ti on . 4~here deemed necessary by the city, f aci 1 i ti es to prevent accidental <br />discharge of prohibited materials shall be provided and maintained at the <br />~ ndustri al user's cost and expense. An accidental spi 11 preventi an plan <br />ASPP} showing facilities and operating procedures to provide this protec- <br />t i on shall be submitted to the city far review and approval before i mp1 emen- <br />tat i on . The city shat l determine which industrial user i s required to <br />develop an ASPP and require that industrial user to submit the ASPP wi thi n <br />60 days after notification by the city. Each industrial user shal 1 impl e- <br />ment its ASPP as submitted after such ASPP has been reviewed and approved <br />by the city. Review and approval of such plans and operating procedures <br />by the c~ ty shat 1 not relieve the industrial user from the respons i bi 1 i ty to <br />modify its facility as necessary to meet the requirements of sections fi.400 <br />to fi.410 of this code. <br />Ordinance - 8 <br />