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March 11, 1992 <br />FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS OF THE EUGENE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />RE: RE VEST FOR AMENDMENT TO WHITEAKER REFINEMENT PLAN RA 92-1 <br />I. INTRODUCTION <br />Back round <br />In December 1991, the Planning and Devel apment Department rece i ved a l etter <br />from Jim Saul, representing Jenova Land Company, Spring Holdings, Inc,, and <br />the Francis M. Hyland Trust, requesting determination from the Planning Com- <br />mi ss i on that a proposed amendment to the Whiteaker Refinement P1 an was a mi nor <br />amendment, The Planning Division referred the request to the Whiteaker Cormnu- <br />nity Council. A letter was sent by Laurie McClain, President of the Whiteaker <br />Community Counc i 1, indicating that i t daes not object to the amendment being <br />cl assa f i ed as a m~ nor amendment. The 1 etter did address several concerns <br />which were going to be discussed with Jim Saul at a special neighborhood <br />meeting an February 12, 1992. <br />On January 21, 1992, the request was reviewed by the Planning Commission to <br />determ~ ne whether the request should be classified as a ma jar or mi nar amend- <br />ment. It was the determination of the P1 ann i ng Commission that the request <br />should be cansidered a minor amendment. <br />The proposed amendment affects approximately 10.53 acres of property located <br />~mmed~ately north of the railroad tracks from Washington Street east to a <br />point 1fi0 feet west of Pearl Street see vicinity maps. The area between <br />Washington and li ncol n streets i s developed by bui 1 di ngs formerly vccupi ed by <br />the Eugene P1 an i ng Mi 11, a parki ng 1 ot, and several residences . The strip of <br />1 and east of Lincoln and between the rai 1 road tracks and the 3rd-4th cannector <br />street i s occupied by Imperial F1 oors, a warehouse formerly occupied by <br />zel 1 erbach Paper Company, some vacant property, and a parki ng 1 of near Pearl <br />Street. It is noted that the 3rd~4th connector is not a standard public <br />right-of -way; rather, an access easement for public use granted to the City by <br />Southern Pacific. It i s not improved to City standards, i . e. , no curbs, <br />gutter, or sidewalks. The paving width i s approximately 20 feet, All of the <br />property is currently zoned I-2 light-Medium Industrial District. <br />The applicant's statement provides some additional background information, <br />including a description of the areas currently designated for mixed use in the <br />Whiteaker Refinement Plan . The zoning and level vpment of areas surrounding <br />the subject site i s al sa described i n the applicant's statement. <br />The refinement plan amendment and rezoning process included notice mailed 34 <br />days prior to the public hearing to all property owners and residents wi th i n <br />400 feet of the site and a display ad in The Re inter-Guard outlining the <br />proposed change at least ten days prior to the hearing. The public and i nter- <br />ested parties had an opportunity to submit testimony to the Planning Commis - <br />s ~ on at the publ ~ c hears ng. A copy of the application was referred to the <br />Whiteaker Corteunity Council . Several letters were received from nearby prop- <br />erty owners or occupants and considered . <br />Findings and Conclusions - ~ Exhibit B <br />