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Eugene Code, 1911, are amended, and Sections 9.622, 9.624, 9.626 and 9.528 <br />are repealed, to provide: <br />9.612 Intent. Within the jurisdiction of this chapter there are lots, <br />structures, uses and characteristics of uses which were lawful <br />when established, but which could not be established under current provi - <br />si ons. It i s the intent of this chapter to al 1 ow these nonconformi ti es to <br />continue unti 1 they are removed, but not to encourage their survival or <br />allow their expansion. <br />9.614 Nanconformin Lots of Record. lots and parcels legally created but <br />which now da not conform to the planning and mapping standards i n <br />this code may be occupied by uses otherwise permitted i f those uses wi 11 <br />comply with all other provisions of this code. <br />9.616 Nonconforming Uses. A use that was allowed by this code when it <br />was established but which i s no 1 anger permitted i n the district <br />i n which i t i s l orated may continue after i t became nonconforming so 1 ong as <br />i t complies with al 1 the fol 1 awi ng requirements <br />~a} A nonconforming use shall not be enlarged or extended to <br />occupy a greater portion of the lot or parcel . <br />fib} A nonconforming use shall not be moved to any other por- <br />tion of a lot or building. <br />~c} If a nonconformi ng use i s discontinued for mare than 1Z <br />consecutive months, any subsequent use sha11 conform to the regul a- <br />t i ons of the zoning district i n which the 1 and i s 1 orated . <br />~d} No structure that does not conform to the requirements of <br />this code shall be erected i n connection wi th a nonconformi ng use . <br />9.615 Nonconforming Structures. A structure that was allowed by this <br />cede when it was established, but which is no longer permitted in <br />the district in which it is located because it does not conform to existing <br />height, solar setback, yard, coverage, ar area requirements of the zani ng <br />district i n which the 1 and i s 1 orated may continue so 1 ong as i t complies <br />with all the fol l awi ng requirements <br />~a} It i s not enlarged, moved, or altered i n a way that i n- <br />creases its non-conformity, but it may be altered to decrease its <br />non-conformity. <br />fib} If a nonconforming structure or portion of a nonconform- <br />i ng structure i s destroyed by any means to an extent of more than <br />5a percent of its replacement cost at the time of destruction, it <br />cannot be reconstructed except i n conformity with the provisions <br />of this cede. <br />~c} If a nonconforming structure is moved, it must then con- <br />form to the regulations of the district in which it is located <br />after it is moved. <br />~d} 0n any nonconforming structure ar portion of a structure <br />cantai n i ng a nonconformi ng use, ordinary repair i s permitted i f, <br />Ordinance - 11 <br />