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i n any 12 month period, the work does not exceed 50 percent of the <br />current replacement cost of the nonconforming structure or portion <br />of the nonconforming structure, as the case may be. <br />9.62D Exem t i ans . The following are exempt from these non-conformity <br />provisions: <br />~ a} Bui 1 di ngs and uses replacing those permitted i n the <br />former RG district when that district was deleted March 11, 1985} <br />providing the bu i 1 di ngs and uses are not closer to property 1 i nes <br />or exceed the density, height, or coverage of the original develop- <br />ment. This exempti an i s 1 imi ted to the development site on which <br />the buildings or uses existed on March 11, 1985. <br />fib} Additions to existing dwell i ngs, churches, and school s <br />i f they otherwise conform to the regulations then i n effect i n the <br />district i n which they are 1 ocated . <br />~c} Bui 1 di ngs and uses existing and 1 ega1ly permitted or per- <br />mi tted conditionally i n the I -2 and I -3 zoning districts as 1 i steel <br />in the zoning ordinance on January 21, 1982, are exempt from regu- <br />lations pertaining to nonconformities. This exemption is limited <br />to development sites i n the I - 2 and I -3 zoning districts on which <br />the buildings or uses existed an January 27, 1982. <br />Section 18. Subsection ~3} of Section 9.612 of the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />i s amended to provide <br />9.fi12 A lication, Fee and Public Hearin Notice. <br />~3} At least 20 days before the hearing, the city shall mail a <br />notice thereof and information on the nature of the request to the applicant, <br />owners and occupants of the subject property, and to owners and occupants of <br />property located within 300 feet of the perimeter of the subject property. <br />I f the requested change i n zoning district i s from AG, RA, R-1, R- 2 and R-3 <br />to R-4 d i stri ct, a res i dent i al zoning district to an office, commercial or <br />industrial district, or from PL Public land district to any other zoning di s- <br />tri ct, the notice required herein shat 1 be expanded to include owners and <br />occupants of property located within 500 feet of the perimeter of the sub- <br />ject property. At least 20 days prior to the hearing, the city shall also <br />post notices of the nature of the request and the hearing in at least three <br />places within 300 feet of the perimeter of the subject property. <br />Section 19. Section 9.fi14 of the Eugene Cade, 1911, is amended to pro- <br />vide: <br />9.614 Decision and A eal Authori t . If a zone change i s for property <br />proposed for annexation to the city, the planning commission shat ~ <br />recommend a ci ty zoning district designation to the counci 1 i n conjunction <br />with the annexation, unless it denies the annexation. To maintain cvnsist- <br />Ordinance - 12 <br />